Stars within 20 light-years |
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© 2005 Sol Company
Larger map (some newer
objects have been omitted.
Today, over 150 stars and white
and brown dwarfs are
known to be located within
20 light-years of Sol.
NASA -- larger image
Most nearby stars are very dim red dwarfs
-- like Gliese 623 A (M2.5V) and B (M5.8Ve)
at lower right -- invisible to the unaided
Human eye in Earth's night sky.
Astronomers find more nearby stars every year. Including Sol itself, at least 150 celestial objects (including white and brown dwarfs) are currently believed to be located within 20 light-years (ly) of Sol. Except for a few objects (such as Lalande 21185, Kapteyn's Star, and methane brown dwarf WISE J0254+0223) astronomers believe that Sol and most of its nearest neighbors were born in the Milky Way's "thin disk." A few (such as Barnard's Star and Kapteyn's Star) may be as much as 10 or more billion years old. By comparison, Sol is middle-aged at almost 4.6 billion years old, while younger stars include the Sirius binary system with perhaps around 300 million years.
Nearby Celestial Objects by Type, Number, and Mass
Spectral or Luminosity Type | Number within 20 Light-Years | Sum of Minimum Solar-Masses | |
O - Blue Stars | 0 | 0.00 | |
B - Blue White Stars | 0 | 0.00 | |
A - Bluish White Stars | 2 | 3.84 | |
F - Yellowish White Stars | 1 | 1.50 | |
G - Yellow-Orange Stars | 7 | 6.76 | |
K - Orange-Red Stars | 15 | 11.84 | |
M - Red Stars | 88-90 | 21.32 | |
M,L,T, Y - Brown Dwarfs | 15-30 | <1.20 | |
D - White Dwarfs | 7 | 4.30 | |
Total Objects | > 150 | > 51.46 |
Minimum Solar-masses assumed for objects without mass estimates:
red stars (M=0.08); white dwarfs (D=0.5); and brown dwarfs (0.05).
At least two-thirds (88+ or 66+ percent) of the 150 or so objects found thus far to be located within 20 light-years are very dim red dwarfs, of which at least 39 (roughly half) may be flare stars and are likely to be relatively younger. As many as six stars within 20 ly may currently be brighter, larger, and more massive than Sol, but at least two (Sirus B and Procyon B) of the eight known nearby white dwarfs that are now much dimmer and smaller than Sol were once also brighter, larger, and more massive. In addition, 10 to 25 substellar brown dwarfs that are much more massive than the planet Jupiter have been detected, with and without stellar companions (see Gliese 229 b versus LP 944-20).
Larger and
jumbo images.
Although the larger bluish white
to orange dwarf stars are roughly
similar to Sol in size, red dwarfs
such as Proxima Centauri are not
much larger than
The volume of space lying within 20 light-years of Sol encompasses over 33,509 cubic light-years. Within that vast sphere, astronomers have been able to detect at least 50 Solar-masses of visible matter bound up in 138 luminous stars and weakly glowing white and brown dwarfs thus far. Hence, the local density of luminous mass is low, less than 2/1,000 (or 0.0015) of a Solar-mass per cubic light-year -- not even the mass of two Jupiter-sized planets.
Larger image.
Among Sol's neighbors within
20 ly, only 17 stars may
possibly be capable of
hosting Earth-type planets.
Within 20 ly of Sol, astronomers may have detected planets in the Solar System and around 12 other stars (Alpha Centauri B, 82 Eridani, Epsilon Eridani, Gliese 876 / Ross 780, CD-44 11909 / Gl 682, CD-46 11540 / Gl 674, CD-49 13515 / Gl 832, Gl 229, Groombridge 34 A, Kapteyn's Star229, Lalande 21185, Tau Ceti, and Wolf 1055 B (VB10, or Van Biesbroeck's Star), as of September 2014. Other than Sol itself, however, only around perhaps 17 stars out of 14 star systems (including such G stars as Alpha Centauri A) may possibly be capable of hosting Earth-type planets in stable orbits within their respective circumstellar habitable zones (CHZs). Within a CHZ orbit, liquid water may be possible on a planetary surface without tidal locking and orbital disruption from another celestial object.
Nearby Stars by Brightness, Spectra, and Distance
The following celestial objects are located within 20 light-years (ly), or 6.1 parsecs, of Sol.
------------------------------------- [Guide] -- [Full Near Star Map] -------------------------------------
NStED / RECONS / HIPPARCOS Distance (ly) | Name or
Designation | Spectral
& Luminosity Type | Solar Masses | Constellation | Notes | |
... | ||||||
Bluish White Stars | ||||||
8.6 | Sirius A | A0-1 Vm | 2.02-2.14 | Canis Major | Dust, a=19.8 AUs, e=0.59 | |
16.7 | Altair | A7 V-IV | 1.7 | Aquila | Subgiant?, NSV 24910, dust | |
Yellowish White Stars | ||||||
11.4 | Procyon A | F5 V-IV | 1.5 | Canis Minor | Subgiant?, NVS 3672, a=14.9 AUs, e=0.407 | |
Yellow-Orange Stars | ||||||
0.0 | Sol | G2 V | 1.000 | ... | 8+ planets, dust, brown dwarf b? | |
4.4 | Alpha Centauri A | G2 V | 1.09-1.10 | Centaurus | a(AB)=23.7 AUs, e=0.519 | |
11.9 | Tau Ceti | G8 Vp | 0.81-82 | Cetus | Dust disk, old star | |
18.8 | Sigma Draconis | G9 V | 0.89 | Draco | Alsafi | |
19.4 | Eta Cassiopeiae A | G3 V | 0.9-1.1 | Cassiopeia | Achird, a=71 AUs, e=0.497 | |
19.8 | 82 Eridani | G5 V | 0.97 | Eridanus | e Eri, old, spec. double?, planets | |
19.9 | Delta Pavonis | G5-8 V-IV | 1.1 | Pavo | Subgiant?, NSV 12790 | |
Orange-Red Stars | ||||||
4.4 | Alpha Centauri B | K0-1 V | 0.907 | Centaurus | Sep(AB)=11.4-36.0 AUs, planet | |
10.5 | Epsilon Eridani | K2 V | 0.85 | Eridanus | Planets?, dust disk | |
11.4 | 61 Cygni A | K3.5-5.0 Ve | 0.70 | Cygnus | NSV 13543, dust, a=86.4 AUs | |
11.4 | 61 Cygni B | K4.7-7.0 Ve | 0.70 | Cygnus | NSV 13546, dust, e=0.40 | |
11.8 | Epsilon Indi | K4-5 Ve | 0.77 | Indus | Brown dwarfs | |
15.9 | Groombridge 1618 | K7.0 Vne | 0.64 | Ursa Major | NSV 4765, flare star | |
16.5 | 40 (Omicron2) Eridani A | K1 Vne | 0.89 | Eridanus | Keid, sep(A-BC)=418 AUs | |
16.6 | 70 Ophiuchi A | K0-1 Ve | 0.92 | Ophiuchus | a=23.3 AUs, e=0.495, spec. dou.? | |
16.6 | 70 Ophiuchi B | K5-6 Ve | 0.92 | Ophiuchus | Spectroscopic double? | |
19.3 | Gl 570 A | K4-5 Ve | 0.76 | Libra | a(A-BC)=190 AUs, e=0.20, LHS 387 | |
19.4 | Eta Cassiopeiae B | K7 Vn | 0.56-0.60 | Cassiopeia | Radial velocity variations | |
19.5 | 36 Ophiuchi A | K0-1 Ve | 0.85 | Ophiuchus | a=88 AUs, e=0.922 | |
19.5 | 36 Ophiuchi B | K1-5 Ve | 0.85 | Ophiuchus | ||
19.5 | 36 Ophiuchi C | K5-6 Ve | 0.7 | Ophiuchus | Sep(AB-C)= 4,370 - 5,390 AUs | |
19.7 | HJ 5173 A | K3 V | 0.82 | Sagittarius | Sep(AB)=43 AUs | |
White Dwarfs | ||||||
8.6 | Sirius B | DA2-5 | 1.00-1.03 | Canis Major | High mass, carbon core? | |
11.4 | Procyon B | DQZ,A4 | 0.60 | Canis Minor | Typical mass | |
14.4 | van Maanen's Star | DZ7,F,G | 0.5-0.7 | Pisces | Metallic but no H,He lines; cool, old star | |
15.2 +/-0.1 | L 145-141 | DQ6,A,C | 0.5 | Centaurus | LHS 43, Gl 440 (Jao et al, 2005) | |
16.5 | 40 (Omicron2) Eridani B | DA3 | 0.50 | Eridanus | a(BC)=35 AUs, e=0.410 | |
18.0 | Stein 2051 B | DC5 | 0.48-0.67 | Camelopardalis | sep(AB)=8", G 175-34, LHS 26, GJ 169.1 | |
20.0 | LP 44-113 | DQ8,A9 | 0.5 | Draco | EGGR 372, LHS 455 | |
Red Stars | ||||||
4.2 | Proxima Centauri | M5.5 Ve | 0.12 | Centaurus | Flare star; brown dwarf b? | |
6.0 | Barnard's Star | M3.8 Ve | 0.17- | Ophiuchus | V2500 Ophiuchi, old star | |
7.8 | Wolf 359 | M5.8 Ve | 0.092-0.13 | Leo | CN Leonis, flare star | |
8.3 | Lalande 21185 | M2.1 Vne | 0.46 | Ursa Major | Flare & thick disk star; 3 planets? | |
8.7 | Luyten 726-8 A | M5.6 Ve | 0.10-0.11 | Cetus | BL Ceti, flare Star | |
8.7 | UV Ceti | M6.0 Ve | 0.10 | Cetus | Flare star, a=5.5 AUs, e=0.62 | |
9.7 | Ross 154 | M3.5 Ve | 0.17 | Sagittarius | V1216 Sagittarii, flare star | |
10.3 | Ross 248 | M4.9-5.5 Ve | 0.25- | Andromeda | HH Andromedae, flare star | |
10.7 | Lacaille 9352 | M0.5-1.5 Ve | 0.47 | Pisces Australis | NSV 14420 | |
10.9 | Ross 128 | M4.1-5 Ve | 0.31- | Virgo | FI Virginis, flare star | |
11.1 | EZ Aquarii A | M5.0-5.5 Ve | 0.1~ | Aquarius | EZ Aquarii, flare star? | |
11.1 | EZ Aquarii B | M5? Ve | 0.1~ | Aquarius | EZ Aquarii, flare star? | |
11.1 | EZ Aquarii C | M? Ve | 0.1~ | Aquarius | EZ Aquarii, flare star? | |
11.4 | Struve 2398 A | M3.0 V | 0.36 | Draco | NSV 11288, a=56 AUs | |
11.4 | Struve 2398 B | M3.5 V | 0.36 | Draco | Flare star, e=0.53 | |
11.6 | Groombridge 34 A | M1.5 Vne | 0.38 | Andromeda | GX And, flare star, a=157 AUs, e=0.00; planet | |
11.6 | Groombridge 34 B | M3.5 Vne | 0.38 | Andromeda | GQ And, flare star | |
11.8 | DX Cancri | M6.5 Ve | 0.087 | Cancer | Flare star | |
11.9 | LHS 1565 | M5.5 V | 0.11 | Horologium | Flare star | |
12.1 | YZ Ceti | M4.5 Ve | 0.14 | Cetus | Flare star | |
12.4 | Luyten's Star | M3.5 Vn | 0.26 | Canis Minor | Flare star | |
12.6 | Kapteyn's Star | sdM1.5 | 0.39 | Pictor | Old halo star, subdwarf, planets | |
12.6 +/-0.2 | Teegarden's Star | M6.5 V | 0.08~ | Aries | 5.06 +/- 0.03 proper motion | |
12.6 +/-0.1 | SCR 1845-6357 | M8.5 V | 0.? | Pavo | brown dwarf (ESO press release; Biller et al, 2006; Henry et al, 2006b; Henry et al, 2006a; Subasavage et al, 2004; Deacon et al, 2004; and RECONS) | |
12.9 | Lacaille 8760 | M0-2 Ve | 0.60 | Microscopium | AX Microscopii, flare star | |
13.1 | Kruger 60 A | M3 Vn | 0.28 | Cepheus | NSV 14168, a=9.7 AUs, e=0.42 | |
13.1 | Kruger 60 B | M4 V | 0.16 | Cepheus | DO Cephei, flare star | |
13.2 +/- 0.1 | DENIS 1048-39 | M8.5 V | 0.06-0.09 | Antlia | Brown dwarf? | |
13.4 | Ross 614 A | M4.5 Ve | 0.17 | Monoceros | V577 Monocerotis, a=3.8 AUs, e=0.38 | |
13.4 | Ross 614 B | M8 V | 0.097 | Monoceros | Flare star? | |
13.8 | Wolf 1061 A | M3.0 V | 0.26 | Ophiuchus | V2306 Ophiuchi, close binary? | |
13.8 | Wolf 1061 B? | M? | 0.? | Ophiuchus | Spectroscopic double | |
14.2 | Wolf 424 A | M5.5 Ve | 0.14 | Virgo | a=3.1 AUs, e=0.28 | |
14.2 | Wolf 424 B | M5.5-7 Ve | 0.13 | Virgo | FL Virginis, flare star | |
14.2 | Cincinnati? | M1.5-3.0 Ve | 0.48 | Sculptor | Flare star, LHS/Gl/GJ 1 | |
~14.4 | 2MASS J154043.42-510135.7 | M7.0 +/-0.5 V | >0.06 | Norma | (Perez-Garrido et al, 2014) | |
14.6 | TZ Arietis | M4.5 V | 0.14 | Aries | Flare star | |
14.8 | BD+68 946 A | M3.0 V | 0.39 | Draco | Close binary?, LHS 450 | |
14.8 | BD+68 946 B? | M? | ? | Draco | Spectroscopic double? | |
14.8 | LP 731-58 | M6.5 V | 0.083 | Sextans | Flare star, LHS 292 | |
14.8 | CD-46 11450 | M2.5-3.0 V | 0.35 | Ara | Planet, LHS 449, Gl 674 | |
14.8 | V1581 Cygni A | M5.5 Ve | 0.11 | Cygnus | Flare star, sep(AB)=33 AUs, LHS 3494 | |
14.8 | V1581 Cygni B | M6 V | 0.10 | Cygnus | Flare star?, LHS 3495 | |
14.8 | V1581 Cygni C | M? | 0.074 | Cygnus | Close binary, GJ 1245 C | |
15.3 | G 158-27 | M5.5 V | 0.11 | Cetus | LHS 2 | |
15.3 | Gliese 876 | M3.5 V | 0.27 | Aquarius | IL Aquarii, 4 planets | |
15.6 +/- 0.2 | L 143-23 | M5.5 V-IV | 0.10 | Carina | Subdwarf?, LHS 288 (Henry et al, 2006b; and Henry et al, 2006a) | |
15.8 | BD+44 2051 A | M1 Vne | 0.48 | Ursa Major | Sep(AB)= 135.3 AUs | |
15.8 | WX Ursae Majoris | M5.5 Ve | 0.099 | Ursa Major | Flare star | |
15.9 | AD Leonis | M3.0-3.5 Ve | 0.39 | Leo | Flare star, brown dwarf b? | |
16.1 | CD-49 13515 | M1.5-3.0 V | 0.45 | Indus | Planets, Gl 832 | |
16.4 | CD-44 11909 | M3.5-4.5 V-VI | 0.21-27 | Ara | Subdwarf?, 2 super-Earths/1inHZ, GJ 682 | |
16.5 | 40 (Omicron2) Eridani C | M4.5 Ve | 0.195 | Eridanus | DY Eri, flare star | |
16.5 | EV Lacertae | M3.5 Ve | 0.28 | Lacerta | Flare star, spec. double?, Gl 873 | |
17.0 | L 722-22 A | M4 V | 0.11 | Cetus | Sep(AB) 73 AUs, GJ 1005 A | |
17.0 | L 722-22 B | M? V | 0.095 | Cetus | GJ 1005 B | |
17.0 | EI Cancri | M5.5 Ve | 0.11 | Cancer | Flare star, GJ 1116 A | |
17.0 | Giclas 9-38 B | M5.5 V | 0.095 | Cancer | Sep(AB)=23.5 AUs, GJ 1116 B | |
17.5 | LTT 17897 | M3.5 V | 0.20 | Orion | Flare star, G 99-49 | |
17.6 | AC+79 3888 | M3.5 V | 0.24 | Camelopardalis | Gl 445 | |
17.6 +/-1.0 | G 099-049 | M4.5 V | 0.? | Orion | LTT 17897 (Henry et al, 2006b; and Henry et al, 2006a) | |
17.7 | Lalande 25372 | M1.5 Vne | 0.53 | Boötes | Flare star, Wolf 498 | |
17.7 +/-0.2 | LHS 1723 | M4.5 V | 0.16 | Eridanus | Variable, LP 656-38 | |
17.9 | LP 816-60 | M V | 0.19 | Capricornus | Hip 103039 | |
18.0 | Stein 2051 A | M4.0 V | 0.22 | Camelopardalis | Sep(AB) 39 AUs, GJ 169.1 A | |
18.0 | Stein 2051 B | M V | 0.5~ | Camelopardalis | GJ 169.1 B | |
18.0 | Wolf 294 | M3.0 V | 0.33 | Gemini | Gl 251, AC+33 25644 | |
18.6 | BD-03 1123 | M1.5 Vn | 0.17 | Orion | CSV 6182, Gl 205 | |
18.7 | V1054 Ophiuchi | M3 Ve | 0.42 | Ophiuchus | Flare star, Wolf 630A, Gl644A | |
18.7 | Wolf 630 B | M4 V | 0.31 | Ophiuchus | Sep(AB)= 1.3 AUs, Gl 644 B | |
18.7 | Wolf 630 C | M? V | 0.30 | Ophiuchus | Flare star, sep(C,VB8)=<2", Wolf 630 C | |
18.7 | van Biesbroeck 8 | M7.0 V | 0.09 | Ophiuchus | Sep(AB-VB8)=1270 AUs | |
18.8 | Gliese 229 | M1-2 Ve | 0.56-58 | Lepus | Brown dwarf / sep=39 AUs, planet / a=0.97 AU | |
18.9 | Ross 47 | M4 Vn | 0.20 | Orion | V1352 Orionis, AC+12:1800-213, Gl 213 | |
19.0 | L 205-128 | M2 V | 0.26 | Pavo | NSV 9629, CSV 102836, Gl 693 | |
19.2 | Wolf 1055 A | M3.5 Vne | 0.49 | Aquila | V1428 Aquilae, flare star, Ross 652 A, Gl 752 A | |
19.2 | van Biesbroeck's Star | M8 Ve | 0.09 | Aquila | Planet, V1298 Aquilae, flare star, Wolf 1055 B | |
19.2 | L 674-15 | M3.5 V | 0.17 | Puppis | Gl 300 | |
19.3 | Gl 570 B | M1 V | 0.55 | Libra | a(BC)=0.79 AUs, e=0.765, LHS 386 | |
19.3 | Gl 570 C | M3 V | 0.35 | Libra | Hip73182, ADS 9446 C | |
~19.3 | TYC 3980-1081-1 | M? | ? | Cepheus | IRAS 21500+5903 (Finch et al, 2014) | |
19.4 | Ross 882 | M4.5 Ve | 0.22 | Canis Minor | YZ Canis Minoris, flare star, Gl 285 | |
19.4 | CD-40 9712 | M0-3 V-VI | 0.46 | Lupus | NSV 7119, Gl 588 | |
19.4 | BD+01 4774 | M1 Ve | 0.51 | Pisces | BR Piscis, flare star | |
19.6 +/-0.2 | L 347-14 | M4.5 V | 0.16 | Corona Australis | Not subdwarf, Gl 754 (Jao et al, 2005) | |
19.7 | HJ 5173 B | M3.5-4.0 V | 0.20 | Sagittarius | Sep(AB)=43 AUs, Gl 783 B | |
20.0 | BD-11 3759 | M3.5 V | 0.22 | Libra | HN Librae, Gl 555 | |
20.0 | Ross 986 A | M4.5 Ve | 0.17 | Auriga | QY Aurigae, flare star, Gl 268 A | |
20.0 | Ross 986 B | M6 V | 0.16 | Auriga | a<2", spec. double, Gl 268 B | |
Brown Dwarfs | ||||||
6.5 +/- 0.5 | Luhman 16 a | L 8 +/-1 V | <0.08 | Vela | Brown dwarf binary | |
6.5 +/- 0.5 | Luhman 16 b | L/T V | <0.08 | Vela | Brown dwarf, sep(ab)=3 AUs | |
7.2 +0.8/-0.7 | WISE 0855-0714 | Y? V | <0.08 | Hydra | Brown dwarf, coldest (4/25/14) | |
9.1 +4.2/-2.0 | WISE 1541-2250 | Y0 V | <0.08 | Lyra | (NASA science news and news release; Cushing et al, 2011; and Kirkpatrick et al, 2011) | |
11.1 +2.3/-1.3 | WISE 1506-7027 | T6 V | <0.08 | Apus | (Marsh et al, 2012, Table 3) | |
>11.1 | WISE 1405+5534 | Y0 Vp? | <0.08 | Draco | (Marsh et al, 2012, Table 3) | |
11.8 | Epsilon Indi ba | T1 V | 0.043~ | Indus | Methane | |
11.8 | Epsilon Indi bb | T6 V | 0.028~ | Indus | Methane | |
12.1 +5.2/-1.3 | WISE 0350-5658 | Y1 V | <0.08 | Horologium | (Marsh et al, 2012, Table 3) | |
12.6 +/- 0.1 | SCR 1845-6357 b | T4.5-6.5 V | 0.009 - 0.065 | Pavo | Methane (ESO press release; and Biller et al, 2006) | |
13 +/- 2 | UGPS 0722-05 | T9 V | <0.03 | Monoceros | Methane, UGPS J072227.51-054031.2, UGPS J0722-05 (Lucas et al, 2010; and Cushing et al, 2011) | |
13.2 +/- 0.1 | DENIS 1048-39 | M8.5 V | 0.06-0.09 | Antlia | M (red dwarf) star? | |
13.7 +3.9/-2.0 | WISE 0410+1502 | Y0 V | <0.08 | Taurus | (Marsh et al, 2012, Table 3) | |
16 +/- 1 | DENIS / DEN 0817-6155 | T6 V | <0.08 | Carina | Methane (Artigau et al, 2010) | |
16.0 +3.3/-2.0 | WISE 0254+0223 | T8-10 V | <0.08 | Cetus | Methane (Marsh et al, 2012, Table 3; and Scholz et al, 2011) | |
16.2 +/- 0.3 | DENIS / DEN 0255-4700 | L7.5 V | 0.07~ | Eridanus | (NOAO press release) | |
16.3 | LP 944-20 | M9.0 V | 0.056-0.064 | Fornax | Flares | |
16 +/- 2 | WISE J163940.83-684738.6 | Y? V | <0.08 | Triangulum Australis | (Tinney et al, 2012) | |
16 +5/-4 | WISE J052126.29+102528.4 | T7.5 V | <0.08 | Orion | (Bihain et al, 2013) | |
~17 | 2MASS J09393548-2448279 AB? | T8.5 V T8.5? V | 0.06-0.08 | Antlia | Methane binary? (Burgasser et al, 2008; Leggett et al, 2007; and Tinney et al, 2005) | |
17 - 38 | WISE J2209+2711 | Y0 V | 17 - 38 | Pegasus | (Cushing et al, 2014) | |
18.5 +/-0.05 | 2MASS 1835+3259 | M8.5 V | 0.07 | Hercules | (Reid et al, 2003; and RECONS) | |
18.7 +/-0.3 | 2MASS 0415-0935 | T8 V | <0.08 | Eridanus | Methane (press release; and Liebert et al, 2002) | |
18.8 | Gliese 229 b | T6.5 V | 0.025-0.065 | Lepus | Methane, sep=39 AUs | |
18.9 +3.6/-2.0 | WISE 1741+2553 | T9 V | <0.08 | Hercules | Methane (Marsh et al, 2012, Table 3; and Scholz et al, 2011) | |
19.2 +4.6/-2.0 | WISE 0359-5405 | Y0 V | <0.08 | Reticulum | (Marsh et al, 2012, Table 3) | |
19.3 | Gliese 570 d | T7-8 V | 0.05+/-0.02 | Libra | Methane, a(ABC-d)=1,500+ AUs | |
20.0 +/-0.5 | 2MASS 0937+2931 | T6 V | <0.08 | Sextans | Methane (Adam J. Burgasser, 2004; and Liebert et al, 2002) | |
Updated d > 20 ly | ||||||
25.8 +/- 0.2 | SIPS 1259-4336 | M8 V | 0.? | Centaurus | (Deacon et al, 2005; Ken Croswell, 2004; and unpublished correspondence from Todd Henry) | |
400-600? | SSPM J1549-3544 | sdK5? | 0.? | Lupus | High-velocity, low-metallicity halo star (Scholz et al, 2004; and Farhi et al, 2005) |
Other Information
Summary information on stars within 10 light-years alone and stars and related celestial objects within 10 parsecs (32.6 light-years) are also available.
Up-to-date technical summaries on these stars can be found at: the Research Consortium on Nearby Stars (RECONS) list of the 100 Nearest Star Systems, the NASA Star and Exoplanet Database, the Astronomiches Rechen-Institut at Heidelberg's ARCNS, and the SIMBAD Astronomical Database. New research papers on these stars may eventually become available at the SAO/NASA ADS. Additional information may be available at Roger Wilcox's Internet Stellar Database.
For more information about stars including spectral and luminosity class codes, go to ChView's webpage on The Stars of the Milky Way.
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