HE 0107-5240 |
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Located 36,000 light-years
away in the galactic halo,
HE 0107-5240 is an ancient,
giant star that may be 12
to 15 billion years old.
Latest News
In March 2005, astronomers seeking ancient stars announced the discovery of HE 1327-2326, a subgiant or main-sequence dwarf star with extremely low metallicity -- an iron abundance ([Fe/H]= -5.4 +/- 0.2) that is only about 1/250,000th of Sol's and a factor of two lower than that of giant star HE 0107-5240 (which is discussed in detail below). Both HE 1327-2326 and HE 0107-5240 show "extreme overabundances" of carbon and nitrogen with respect to iron, which may indicate a similar origin for the abundance patterns. On the other hand, HE 1327-2326 has an unexpectedly low abundance of lithium and an unexpected high amount of strontium, which are inconsistent with predictions by current theoretical models. This very old star was found among 1,777 "bright and apparently metal-poor objects with partly saturated spectra" in the Hamburg/ESO (HES) objective-prism survey. HE 1327-2326 (13:30:06-23:41:51 at Equinox 2000) has an apparent visual magnitude of 13.5 (Frebel et al, 2005).
Galactic Region around HE 0107-5240
HE 0107-5240 lies about 36,000 light-years (ly) away from Sol
in the Milky
halo. The star is located in the southern part (1:7-52:40)
of the Constellation
the Phoenix or Firebird -- northwest of Zeta Phoenicis and
Achernar (Alpha Eridani); southwest
of Beta and Delta Phoenicis, southeast of Lamda1, Mu, Epsilon,
Kappa, and Alpha Phoenicis
and north of Eta Phoenicis. Because of its great distance
from Earth, HE 0107-5240 is roughly about ten thousand times
fainter than the faintest stars that can be seen with the
unaided eye, despite being a highly evolved and relatively
luminous giant. In December 2001, a team of astronomers
Michael S. Bessell,
Timothy C.
Paul S. Barklem,
Torgny Karlsson,
J. Korn, and Silvia Rossi) observed this unusual, low
mass but highly evolved, giant star and subsequently
determined that it has the lowest abundance of elements
heavier than hydrogen, helium, and lithium of any known
star in the
Way (as of October 30, 2002, since the astronomers
have only reviewed a quarter of some 8,000 stars targeted
for analysis).
A halo
field star, HE 0107-5240 appears to be even older than the ancient
stars found in
globular clusters.
Extremely scarce in elements heavier than hydrogen and helium
("metals"), HE 0107-5240 was found as part of a
for metal-poor halo stars in the
Survey, which gave it its "HE" designation in combination
with its position (see: press releases from
and the University
of Michigan; and
et al, 2002). The star is only 1/200,000th as enriched
in metals as Sol and is 20 times less enriched than the
previously known, lowest-metal star CD-38 245 that was
found in 1977. (More discussion on the chemical
compositions of
halo field
stars and
cluster stars.)
Given its extremely low metallicity, mass, and stage of evolution,
HE 0107-5240 may be only about about a billion years younger than
the universe itself. Hence, if the Big Bang created the universe
about 13 to 16 billion years ago, HE 0107-5240 may be 12 to 15
billion years old (more discussion on the
age of the
universe). Many now believe that most, if not all,
of the first generation of stars
III) that formed from the gas and dust created by
the Big Bang were massive, fast-burning, short-lived, and
composed only of the four lightest elements, hydrogen and
helium with traces of lithium and beryllium. When
Population III stars
matured into supergiant stars after a few million years of
life or so, however, they blew off heavier elements in
strong stellar winds, and many probably exploded as
supernovae, contaminating the universe with richer gas and
dust. As a result, the second generation of stars
II) were born with the first doses of heavier elements
(such as carbon, oxygen, silicon, sulfur, neon, magnesium,
and iron), although most have an heavy-element abundance
that is only 1/10th to 1/1000th of Sol's metallicity.
Therefore, the first Population II stars (such as HE
0107-5240) should have been contaminated the least. By
comparison, Sol was born of later generations of
I stars which formed from gas and dust that has been
contaminated over billions of years of stellar evolution.
Most Population II stars are found outside the spiral disk
of the Milky Way. Some are found in globular clusters, but
most move in a huge cloud around the disk called the galactic
halo, which has a luminous inner component defined by globular
star clusters and other easily observable stars (with coronae
gas possibly expelled by supernovae and of
neutron stars) and an
dark-matter component inferred from its
impact on the Milky Way's spiral disk. As these "halo
stars" were born when the Milky Way was young, their motions
through and outside of the spiral disk still carry the imprint
of the process by which the galaxy formed, when gravity brought
gas together to create the first stars.
Bill Keel, Ray White III, Chris Conselice,
Tololo Inter-American Observatory
Larger image.
As a halo field star with the
lowest metallicity known for
any Milky Way star in late
October 2002, HE 0107-5420
appears to be even older
than the ancient stars found
in the galaxy's globular
clusters such as
at left.
Larger image.
HE 0107-5240 has the
lowest, known abundance
of elements heavier than
hydrogen and helium of
stars in the Milky Way
Galaxy that have thus
far been measured for
L. Wright,
NASA -- larger infrared image
(Like many other Population II stars, HE 0107-5240 lies
outside the galactic bulge and disk --
HE 0107-5240 appears to a highly evolved, giant star of luminosity type III. Unexpectedly, the star has a mass of only around 80 percent of Sol's. This finding suggests that the star has had many billions of years to deplete its core hydrogen through fusion into helium.
The discovery of HE 0107-5240 demonstrates that stars that are less massive than Sol can form from very metal-poor gas. This finding was unexpected, as most current theoretical calculations indicate that it should have been very difficult to form low-mass stars shortly after the Big Bang because heavier elements are needed to efficiently cool gas clouds as they contract into stars (more discussion on the expected mass of Population III stars from Bernard Carr, 1994 versus Richard B. Larson, 1999). However, the existence of HE 0107-5240 suggests that there must be other ways of achieving the necessary cooling. Moreover, the star's discovery suggest that even relatively low-mass Population III stars could have formed and survived until today, still shining faintly below easy detectability as main sequence dwarf stars in distant reaches of the galactic halo.
According to astronomer Catherine Pilachowski (who wrote an analysis of HE 0107-5240's discovery for Nature), HE 0107-5240 contains a "striking excess" of nitrogen and carbon although these elements not usually abundant in stars of the cool, giant family to which the star belongs. Hence, it's possible that HE 0107-5240 once orbited a more massive and short-lived, binary companion which contaminated the lower mass star with those elements. If so, then it's possible that most, if not all, of the galaxy's extremely metal-poor stars surviving to the present day originally formed as part of a binary pair, a byproduct of the formation of a massive star.
Other Information
Up-to-date technical summaries on this star may become available at: NASA's ADS Abstract Service for the Astrophysics Data System; and the SIMBAD Astronomical Database mirrored from CDS, which may require an account to access.
The Phoenix was a bird with a beautiful voice and feathers of gold and red, which lived for a long time (usually 500 years) and then would burn itself up in a nest of herbs and twigs so that a new phoenix would be born from the ashes Johann Bayer (1572-1625) named this southern constellation and listed it in his 1603 star atlas, Uranometria, because it does look like a large bird that is rising. For more information about the stars and objects in this constellation and an illustration, go to Christine Kronberg's Phoenix. For another illustration, see David Haworth's Phoenix.
For more information about stars including spectral and luminosity class codes, go to ChView's webpage on The Stars of the Milky Way.
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