Tycho's Star |
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Larger x-ray image.
Colored according to x-ray energy
intensity, this supernova remnant's
bluish shockwave bubble is twice
as hot as the mottled gaseous
debris expanding behind at 10
million degrees Celsius (more
Picture of the Day
Type-Ia Supernovae
"Tycho's star" was a supernova that appeared in 1752 CE.
According to
Burnham, Jr. (1931-93), this "guest star" was first noted
by Wolfgang Schuler (?-1575) as early as November 6, 1572,
but was seen by many observers throughout Europe and in the
Far East, shattering locally held beliefs in the immutable
nature of stars. While
Brahe (1546-1601) was not the first to observe the
supernova in Cassiopeia, he became known as a respected
astronomer after publishing his
observations about the "new star" -- Stella Nova in
Latin -- two years later (more
and links from Hartmut Frommert and Christine Kronberg).
Tycho found it at first as bright as Jupiter, but the
supernova soon grew as brilliant as Venus (around -4
For about two weeks the star could be seen in daylight, but at the end
of November it began to fade and change color, from bright
white over yellow and orange to faint reddish light, finally fading
away from visibility in March, 1574, having been visible
to the naked eye for almost 16 months (more about
"acid tongue and silver nose," the cultural shock of the
"new star," and how supernovae create high-energy
radiation from Wallace H. Tucker).
The remnant of the supernova was not found until 1952,
with the help of the Jodrell
Bank radio telescope
and Hazard, 1953), catalogued as radio source 3C 10.
Shortly thereafter,
optical wisps in the same location were discovered
using the 200-inch telescope at Mt. Palomar during the
1960s, when an extremely faint nebulosity was identified
on photo plates. The gas shell is now expanding at about
5,600 miles (9,000 km) per second -- much more than the
Crab Nebula's expansion speed
of about 600 miles (1,000 km) per second) -- and has
grown to about 3.7 arc-minutes -- around 24 light-years
(ly) wide
to one estimate. However, no central point source
has been detected within the Tycho supernova remnant
(SNR), which is consistent with other evidence that the
SNR was created by a Type-Ia supernova.
are classified as
I if their light curves exhibit a sharp peak and
then fades away smoothly and gradually. In theory,
such supernovae are caused by the detonation of a
relatively high-mass white dwarf composed mostly of
carbon and oxygen (a stellar remnant whose progenitor
star was too low in mass to progress to the core
fusion of
elements) when infalling matter from the gaseous
envelope of a moderately massive, binary companion
eventually creates enough gravitational pressure to
overcome the electron degeneracy holding up the
white dwarf
of accretion theory). Already more massive than Sol,
the white dwarf accretes sufficient additional mass to
exceed the critical limit of 1.4 Solar-masses
mass limit"). Such supernovae can also occur when
two closely orbiting, however, white dwarfs collide and
merge to create a single object that exceeds 1.4
Solar-masses. The spectra of these supernovae are
hydrogen-poor relative to the more common Type II
supernovae, which is consistent with the presumption
the white dwarf progenitors of Type I have already
blown off most of their outer layers of hydrogen and
helium in planetary nebulae. Moreover, the smooth
decline of their light is also believed to result from
the gradual decrease in energy available with the
radioactive decay of the unstable heavy elements
produced in Type-I supernovae.
In the accretion scenario, the white dwarf accretes mass
from its companion relatively rapidly. Moreover, any
"nova outbursts" that occur on the white dwarf are
relatively weak and eject little matter, so that the
white dwarf grows in mass. (This is different from the
mechanism of a "nova" in which the white dwarf doesn't
reach the Chandrasekhar limit and collapse, but merely
ignites nuclear fusion in the matter that has accreted on
its surface) When the accretion has raised the white
dwarf's mass to the critical mass of about 1.4 solar
masses, the density and temperature in the star's center
become so severe that carbon and oxygen start fusing
("burning") explosively. Within roughly one second, the
burning front moves all the way to the surface, making
the entire white dwarf into one huge nuclear fireball
(more illustrated discussion of
versus supernovae). A thermonuclear shockwave races through
the supernova's expanding stellar debris, fusing lighter
elements into heavier ones and producing a brilliant
visual outburst that can be as intense as the light of
billions of stars. The entire star explodes and destroys
itself, without leaving a compact central object. All of
the star's matter -- namely, the products of the nuclear
burning (iron, nickel, silicon, magnesium, and other heavy
elements) plus unburned carbon and oxygen -- are ejected
into space at speeds ranging from about 6,000 to 8,000
miles/second (20 to 30 million miles/hour). The supernova
explosion and the sudden dispersion of its gravitational
mass presumably flings its companion star away at high
velocity. Unlike supernovae of Type II, the matter ejected
in Type-I supernovae consists almost entirely of the heavier
of some elements in Tycho's SNR), as there is very little
hydrogen left on white dwarfs. While the tremendous
increase in luminosity is given by energy liberated by
the explosion, its gradually fading light is fueled by
radioactive cobalt decaying into iron.
In contrast to Type-Ia supernovae, Type Ib and Type Ic do
not exhibit silicon lines and are even less understood than
Type Ia. Types Ib and Ic are believed to correspond to stars
ending their lives (as Type-II supernovae), but such stars
would have lost their hydrogen before, and so hydrogen lines
don't appear on their spectra
A Type Ib supernova may result from a high-mass star that
has blown off much of its outer hydrogen and helium shells
and so most closely resembles a Type Ia supernova. It is
somewhat dimmer as much of the light is absorbed by the
surrounding nebula of material that the star has just
recently blown off, and no helium seen in their spectra.
A Type Ic supernova may be produced by a high-mass star
that has blown off much of its outer hydrogen layer while
still retaining a significant helium layer, and so it is
similar to a Type Ib except that helium is seen in its
Supernovae of Type I lend themselves well to research into
cosmological parameters because they are intrinsically very
bright and, hence, can be seen to great distances. These
supernovae all have nearly identical intrinsic luminosities,
and so comparisons of their actual, observed luminosities
with their known intrinsic luminosities allows astronomers
to determine their distances (more on their usefulness as
"standard candles"
and Tammann, 1992). Moreover, the wavelength
distribution of the light from the supernovae indicates how
fast they are receding from Sol. Estimating both the distance
and recession speed of ancient Type-Ia supernovae allow
astronomers to calculate the expansion of the universe, back
during an era when matter in the universe was still relatively
dense and expansion was still slowing under the influence of
gravity and before its later hypothesized, subsequent
acceleration from a mysterious repulsive force (more from NASA's
and NERSC's
Tycho's Supernova Remnant
Tycho's supernova remnant (SNR) is located around 7,500
light-years (ly) from Sol in the north central part
(0:25:17+64:8:37, J2000; and 0:25:13+64:8.7, ICRS 2000.0)
of Constellation
the Lady of the Chair -- north of
Cassiopeiae and
(Alpha Cassiopeiae); northeast of
(Beta Cassiopeiae); northwest of
(Delta Cassiopeiae),
(Eta Cassiopeiae),
and the
Cluster, and southeast of
Errai (Gamma Cephei).
Useful catalogue numbers and designations for this supernova
remnant include: Tycho'S SN, Tycho SNR, SN 1572,
SNR 021.0+63.0, SNR 120.1+01.4, SNR 120.2+01.4,
NOVA Cas 1572, X Cep X-1, B Cas, GRS 120.10 +01.40,
and BD+63 39a.
The SNR now found at the location of Tycho's star is outlined
by a shock wave produced by the expanding debris (shown by the
strikingly sharp blue circular arcs of 20 million degree Celsius
gas seen on the outer rim of the Chandra x-ray image at the top
of this web page). The interior stellar debris has a "cooler"
temperature of about 10 million degrees and is visible only in
X-rays (seen as mottled yellow, green and red fingers of gas in
the same Chandra x-ray image at top). In radio wavelengths,
the shell of Tycho's SNR is brightest to the northeast. Faint
filaments and knots in the north northwest, northeast, and east
can be seen through optical telescopes. The shell in x-rays is
coincident with the radio shell and is brighter to the northeast.
A faint radio source near center of the remnant appears to be
extragalactic. Although absorption in ionized hydrogen suggests
that the SNR is about 13,000 to 16,000 ly (4,000 to 5,000 pc)
et al, 1995), analysis of its optical proper motion and
modelled shock velocity provides a distance of about 7,500 ly
(2,300 pc) (more at T. Joseph W. Lazio's
Supernova Remnant).
Tycho's SNR has particular features can be contrasted with the
A (Cas A) supernova remnant, which is a product of a Type-II
supernova. The debris shell for Tycho is distributed in clumps
et al, 1991) rather than knots as in Cas A, and its outer
shockwave bubble can be seen in smooth and continuous arcs
rather than being fragmented, as in Cas A. Lastly, Cas A
appears to have a
point source of high-energy radiation from a presumed
neutron star or black hole.
Larger radio image at 1.4 GHz.
Tycho's supernova remnant,
which lacks a central point
source, was first found by
radio telescope
M. Weiss,
Larger illustration.
"Tycho's Star" may
have begun as a
white dwarf that
accreted too much
mass from a close
companion star
and exploded as a
Type-Ia supernova
Larger x-ray image.
Contours show spatial and
spectral changes observed
over 4 years time as shocks
expand into interstellar
gas and dust (more at
Larger x-ray image.
Some of the elements
created by Tycho's
supernova are: Calcium
(red), Sulphur (green)
Silicon (blue), and
Iron (multicolor to
yellow) (more from
Adam Riess,
Larger infrared and
collage images.
Type-Ia supernovae (such as
located around 11.3 billion light-years
away) are useful "standard candles" for
their very distant host galaxies
Steven L. Snowden,
Larger x-ray image.
Tycho's supernova remnant
is located around 7,500 ly
away in Cassiopeia (more at
Picture of the Day
Other Information
Radio astronomer T. Joseph W. Lazio has a web page on Tycho's Supernova Remnant with spectral tomographic maps.
Up-to-date technical summaries on this star are available at: NASA's ADS Abstract Service for the Astrophysics Data System; and the SIMBAD Astronomical Database mirrored from CDS, which may require an account to access.
With its stars shaped in a "W," the northern Constellation Cassiopeia was named by the Ancient Greeks for the mother of Andromeda who claimed to be more beautiful than the daughters of Nereus, a god of the sea. Cassiopeia's vanity so angered the sea god Poseidon that he had Andromeda chained to a rock of the coast as a sacrifice for Cetus (the monstrous whale) until Perseus rescued her. For more information on stars and other objects in this Constellation and a photograph, go to Christine Kronberg's Cassiopeia. For an illustration, see David Haworth's Cassiopeia.
For more information about stars including spectral and luminosity class codes, go to ChView's webpage on The Stars of the Milky Way.
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