Microquasar XTE J1550-564 |
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Melissa Weiss,
Larger illustration.
XTE J1550-564 is actually a
binary system that is composed
of a highly evolved, yellow- or
orange-red star that is being
consumed by a black hole
companion (more at
Picture of the Day and
X-Ray Observatory.)
X-Ray Novae and Microquasars
The XTE J1550-564 binary system lies around 17,000
light-years (ly) from Sol. It is located in the south
central part of (15:50:58.9-56:28:35.3, J2000 or
ICRS 2000.0) of Constellation
the Carpenter's Square -- south of Kappa Normae, north
of Iota1 Normae and Beta Triangulum Australis, northeast
of Beta and Gamma Circini, southeast of Zeta Lupi,
northwest of Eta Arae, and Zeta Arae. Not visible to
the naked eye, it is more easily found with x-ray
telescopes. Useful catalogue numbers and designations
for this system are: V381 Nor and XTE J1550-564.
The binary is composed of a highly evolved star
and a black hole in close proximity so that
the star's gases overflow its
lobe and form an
disk around the compact companion. Although XTE
J1550-564 is normally almost invisible at x-ray
wavelengths, in 1998 it became 1.5 times brighter than
the Crab Nebula, surpassing
the Crab as the brightest hard x-ray source in Earth's
night sky
XTE J1550-564 was discovered on September 7, 1998 as the
brightest x-ray nova then observed by the
X-Ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) and
Monitor (ASM) teams at MIT and NASA's Goddard Space
Flight Center
et al, 1999; and
et al, 1998).
As an x-ray nova, XTE J1550-564 sometimes erupts to appear
exceptionally bright in x-rays despite its great distance
from Sol. Such x-ray novae have been found to be binary
systems whose luminous x-ray and optical outbursts
can last for as long as a month or more. They serve as
compelling evidence for the existence of stellar-mass
black holes because the compact companions in these
binaries are too massive (exceeding three Solar-masses
according to radial-velocity studies) to be stable
neutron stars.
Bright x-ray sources (and their optical emissions) within
the Milky Way such as XTE J1550-564 are powered by
disks of material swirling into orbit around compact
central objects that can be a white dwarf star, neutron
star, or black hole in the case of XTE J1550-564. Such
disks form in close binary systems that consist of a
donor star, supplying the accreting material, and a
compact object whose intense gravity eventually draws
the material towards its surface. According to astronomer
Orosz, accretion disks can be quite large, and in binary
systems such as
1915+105 they are almost certainly several times larger
than Sol, since if the companion star fills its Roche lobe,
then everything scales to the orbital period (where the
longer-period systems have the larger accretion disks).
Friction slows the orbital motion of the accreting matter,
which causes it to spiral through the disk down to the
compact object. The falling and spiraling of the matter
toward the compact object releases large amounts of
gravitational energy and heats the accretion disk.
Three-dimensional simulations indicate that spiral shock
waves can form in accretion disks, but they also suggest
that the disks develop instabilities that tend to smear
the shocks (more
and images
and animations of spiral shocks and of a
system undergoing mass transfer while rotating around
a common center of mass).
XTE J1550-564 belong to an exceptional class of x-ray
novae that eject plasma through bi-polar jets at
relativistic velocities called
Because the spin of XTE J1550-564's progenitor star
was concentrated into an extremely compact black
hole during the collapse of the star's core (and
rebound into a supernova), the hole is spinning
very rapidly. The hole also causes the gaseous
matter in the accretion disk to spin and heat
through friction to temperatures of millions of
degrees, and to generate an intense magnetic
field (more discussion of
hole electromagnetism).
As the gaseous material fall onto the blackhole's
accretion disk and
intense electromagnetic forces can expel a large
portion of it as jets of high-energy particles, but
astrophysicists do not as yet agree on the exact
mechanism (see discussion on the possible
of a "warm" x-ray plasma layer in producing
jets from a black hole).
XTE J1550-564's x-ray jets require a continuous
source of trillion-volt electrons to remain bright.
They have been observed to be moving at about half
the speed of light. As XTE J1550-564's jets moves
through interstellar gas, however, the gas slows
down the jets like air resistance slows down
moving objects on Earth. Although all jets (including those
of quasars, neutron stars, and young stars with
objects) are believed to decelerate in this
manner, the observations of XTE J1550-564 mark
the first time such jets have been observed to be
slowing down. The broadband spectrum of the such
jets is consistent with synchrotron emission from
high-energy (up to 10 tera-electron volts)
particles that were accelerated in the shock waves
formed within the relativistic ejecta or by the
interaction of the jets with the interstellar
medium (some recent references:
el al, 2002;
et al, 2002;
et al, 2002;
et al, 2002;
et al, 2001;
et al, 2001;
et al, 2001; and
et al, 2000). As a stellar-mass object,
however, the XTE J1550-564 microquasar is a few
million times smaller than the
formed by similar relativistic ejections of matter
accreted into the central, supermassive black holes
of many distant, active galaxies (more discussion
and illustrations are available at
Star News and Alerts,
Spectroscopy on Microquasar GRO J1655-40, and
et al, 2002). Another interesting microquasar is
The Black Hole
XTE J1550-564's rapidly spinning, compact object has
an estimated mass of around 10.6 Solar, which is well
above the maximum mass of a stable neutron star and
so it appears to be a
et al, 2002). Indeed, another study estimated a
mass between 12 and 15 Solar
and Schrader, 2002). The hole appears to be
separated from its companion star by only around
12 to 13 Solar radii
et al, 2002).
The progenitor star of the black hole was once a
supermassive star that evolved into a supergiant.
Subsequently, most of its substance was expelled
during a supernova explosion. However, the star was
so massive that when its core accumulated so much iron
"ash" that fusion shut down, the loss of radiative
pressure allowed the mass of the star to crush around
11 Solar-masses of its core into a rapidly spinning black hole.
Because the spin of a stellar object was concentrated
into a city-sized object (e.g.,
10 miles wide) during the collapse of the progenitor
star's core, the black hole created by a supernova is
spinning very rapidly. Human ice skaters obtain the
same effect while twirling by pulling their arms to
spin faster. The rapid spin of the black hole causes
its accretion disk to spin and so creates a very
strong magnetic field, so that the disk acts like a
gigantic rotating magnet that generates many
quadrillion volts of electricity
(more discussion of
hole electromagnetism).
The Stellar Companion
The star that is donating its gases to the black hole's
accretion disk is probably a highly evolved, subgiant or
giant of spectral and luminosity type G8 IV to K4 III
et al, 2002). An earlier study suggested that it
may be a low-mass K0-K5 main-sequence dwarf star
et al, 1999).
Although XTE J1550-564
is not visible to the naked
eye for observers in the
Southern Hemisphere, it
can become very bright
in x-rays
(Used with permission)
Larger image.
XTE J1550-564 has
optically brightened
by a factor of 25
from a previous
quiescent state (see
XTE J1550-564
el al, 1999).
A. Hobart,
Larger animation still.
Gases in XTE J1550-564's
primary star overflow its
lobe to form an
disk around the
compact companion (see
and more images).
Michael P. Owen,
John M. Blondin,
North Carolina State University
(Used with permission)
Larger illustration.
Simulations of accretion
disks in three dimensions
suggest that spiral shock
waves can develop but
that disk instabilities
tend to smear them out
and an animation).
Larger image.
Travelling at relativistic
velocities, polar jets from
the black hole, at center,
are slowed by interstellar
gas after travelling two
light-years over four
years (more from
el al, 2002).
A. Hobart,
Larger illustration.
While black holes are invisible,
they may have detectable accretion
disks and bi-polar jets
(more at
Picture of the Day and
Chandra X-Ray
© Jerome A.
(Used with permission)
Larger illustration.
Comparison of relative sizes
and orbital separations of
black holes and their binary
companions (more at Jerome
Orosz's homepage).
XTE J1550-564's progenitor
star was once a supergiant
with an interior of onion-like
layers fusing ever heavier
elements inwards, until an
inert iron core developed.
See a discussion of the
of Elements
Heavier than Helium" and
as part of
evolution and death.
Other Information
Astronomer Jerome Orosz has developed an illustrated page on XTE J1550-564. Another interesting microquasar is GRO J1655-40.
Up-to-date technical summaries on this star are available at: NASA's ADS Abstract Service for the Astrophysics Data System; and the SIMBAD Astronomical Database mirrored from CDS, which may require an account to access.
Shortened from "Norma et Regula" for the "Square and Ruler," Norma is one of the southern constellations named by the Abbé [Abbot] Nicholas Louis de La Caille (1713-1762). This small constellation is also dim, as the brightest stars in Norma are of fourth magnitude. For more information about the stars and objects in this constellation and an illustration, go to Christine Kronberg's Norma. For another illustration, see David Haworth's Norma.
For more information about stars including spectral and luminosity class codes, go to ChView's webpage on The Stars of the Milky Way.
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