HE 1523-0901 |
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Located thousands
of light-years away
in the galactic halo,
HE 1523-0901 is an
ancient, giant star
that may be around
13.2 billion years
Galactic Region around HE 1523-0901
HE 1523-0901 lies very far away -- at least tens of
thousands of light-years (ly) -- from Sol in the
Milky Way's
halo. The star is located in the southern part
(15:23-0901) of Constellation
the Scales of Justice -- south of Mu Serpentis and
north of Gamma Librae. Because of its great distance
from Earth, HE 1523-0901 is cannot be seen with the
unaided eye, despite being a highly evolved and
luminous bright giant. In 2006, a team of astronomers
Anna Frebel,
John Norris,
Christlieb, Christopher Thom, Timothy C. Beers,
and Jaehyon Rhee) observed this unusual, relatively
low mass but highly evolved, giant star. Using the
spectrograph on the Kueyen Telescope (one of
8.2-meter telescopes that comprise the
Very Large
Telescope or Paranal Observatory at the
European Southern Observatory in Chile),
they subsequently determined that from the
abundance of the radioactive elements thorium
and uranium (in tandem with the abundance of
three additional neutron-capture elements iridium,
europium, and osmium) that the star was around 13.2
billion years old, which may be even older than
HE 0107-5240 but
relatively close in age to
31082-001 (using the same dating technique)
in the
Way. The age dating indicated that the star
was born as a very early
II star, just 500 million years after the
Big Bang,
in a nebula already enriched by the rapid rise and explosive
death of the first stars
A halo
field star, HE 1523-0901 appears to be even older than the ancient
stars found in
globular clusters.
Extremely scarce in elements heavier than hydrogen and helium
("metals"), HE 1523-0901 was found as part of a
for metal-poor halo stars in the
Survey, which gave it its "HE" designation in combination
with its position (see: press releases from
and the McDonald
Frebel et al,
2007; and Karen
Sanderson, Nature, May 11, 2007).
(More discussion on the chemical
compositions of
halo field
stars and
cluster stars.)
When massive and fast evolving Population III stars
matured into supergiant stars after a few million years of
life or so, however, they blew off heavier elements in
strong stellar winds, and many probably exploded as
supernovae, contaminating the universe with gas and dust
rich with heavier elements than hydrogen and helium. As
a result, the second generation of stars (Population II)
were born with the first doses of heavier elements (such
as carbon, oxygen, silicon, sulfur, neon, magnesium, and
iron), although most have an heavy-element abundance that
is only 1/10th to 1/1000th of Sol's metallicity.
Therefore, the first Population II stars (such as HE
0107-5240) should have been contaminated the least. By
comparison, Sol was born of later generations of
I stars which formed from gas and dust that has been
contaminated over billions of years of stellar evolution.
Most Population II stars are found outside the spiral disk
of the Milky Way. Some are found in globular clusters, but
most move in a huge cloud around the disk called the galactic
halo, which has a luminous inner component defined by globular
star clusters and other easily observable stars (with coronae
gas possibly expelled by supernovae and of
neutron stars) and an
dark-matter component inferred from its
impact on the Milky Way's spiral disk. As these "halo
stars" were born when the Milky Way was young, their motions
through and outside of the spiral disk still carry the imprint
of the process by which the galaxy formed, when gravity brought
gas together to create the first stars.
Bill Keel, Ray White III, Chris Conselice,
Tololo Inter-American Observatory
Larger image.
As a halo field star whose age
has been measured using
radioactive thorium and uranium
and other neutron-capture
element dating, HE 1523-0901
appears to be even older than
the ancient stars found in the
galaxy's globular clusters such
as 47
Tucana, at left.
L. Wright,
NASA -- larger infrared image
(Like many other Population II stars, HE 0107-5240 lies
outside the galactic bulge and disk --
HE 1523-0901 appears to a highly evolved, bright red giant star (luminosity type II). It has a visual magnitude of 11.1 and an iron abundance of 11/10,000th of Sol's (Fe/H=-2.95). As the star has a mass of only around 80 percent of Sol's, it has taken over 13 billion years for the star to convert sufficient core hydrogen into helium and to initiate helium fusion to become a giant star.
Larger illustration.
HE 1523-0901's age
was deduced by
measuring very
precisely the
abundance of the
radioactive elements
thorium and uranium
after 13.2 billion
years of decay into
lighter elements
HE 1523-0901 may be only about half a billion years younger than the universe itself, where the Big Bang created the universe about 13.7 billion years ago (more discussion on the age of the universe). Many now believe that most, if not all, of the first generation of stars that formed from the gas and dust created by the Big Bang were massive, fast-burning, short-lived, and composed only of the four lightest elements, hydrogen and helium with traces of lithium and beryllium. Hence, HE 1523-0901 is a very rare star to be both extremely old and yet contain very heavy elements such as uranium in its spectrum. Some astronomers argue that the observation of uranium in the optical absorption lines of spectra from ultra–metal-poor stars (such as CS 31082-001 and HE 1523-0901) imply that these ancient stars were contaminated from the supernova explosion of a binary companion star (Qian and Wasserburg, 2002), which may yet be present as a neutron star or black hole with accretion processes that generate detectable x-rays (Eric M. Schegel, 2002).
Larger illustration.
The presence of uranium
(U II line) in the star's
atmosphere was observed
and modelled against a
synthetic spectrum without
any uranium
The best direct method for dating the age of an ancient star currenty involves studying the ratios of different isotopes of certain elements in stellar atmospheres. Called nucleo-chronometry, the dating procedure uses radioactive decay and a radioactive element’s half-life, which is the amount of time it takes for half of the original amount of the element to decay into another. Uranium and thorium have half-lives of 4.7 billion and 14 billion years, respectively, but uranium is a better radioactive clock for dating stars than thorium, because thorium’s half-life is actually a little longer than the known age of the universe -- currently estimated at 13.7 billion years. Dating involves deriving the ratios for all the elements that the star formed with and then measures what ratios of those elements are actually observed in the star's atmosphere today (more discussion is available from astronomer Pamela L. Gray).
Each radioactive element, moreover, must be "anchored" to another element within the star. Fortunately, in the case of HE 1523-0901, three anchor elements (europium, osmium, and iridium) were detected so that an usually accurate age could be derived. The combination of two radioactive elements with three anchor elements provided six so-called “cosmic clocks” which were used to date HE 1523-0901's age with unusual precision (McDonald Observatory news release).
Other Information
Up-to-date technical summaries on this star may become available at: NASA's ADS Abstract Service for the Astrophysics Data System; and the SIMBAD Astronomical Database mirrored from CDS, which may require an account to access.
The ancient Greeks grouped the stars of Libra with Constellation Scorpius, the Scorpion. To the later Romans, however, Constellation Libra represent "the Scales of Justice" held by Julius Caesar. For later peoples, these scales became associated with Virgo as the Goddess of Justice, proving that political power is indeed fleeting. . For more information about the stars and objects in this constellation, go to Christine Kronberg's Libra. For an illustration, see David Haworth's Libra.
For more information about stars including spectral and luminosity class codes, go to ChView's webpage on The Stars of the Milky Way.
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