[Extrasolar Planets]
[Sol-Type Stars with Planets]
Appendix A
ASCII File Format (*.LST)
- You can create your own ASCII data files using a spreadsheet (e.g., Lotus
1-2-3(r) and printing to a file, with a name that ends in a *.LST suffix. Use
FILE IMPORT to use the file, and "SAVE AS" to create a *.CHV binary
- The following fields are separated by "/":
- Place Name;
- Star Name;
- Distance to Earth in light-years;
- Spectral Type;
- Mass (as a ratio of our sun's);
- Constellation;
- Notes; and
- (x,y,z) Equatorial System Coordinates in light-years from Earth.
- Each line is a record of field data on a star, or some other celestial
object. Example:
Earth/Sol/0.00/G2/1.00/(no constellation)/Sun, 9planets/0.00,0.00,0.00
In a spreadsheet, you will establish columns of a certain width.
Printing to a file will result in unnecessary blank spaces within fields.
Moreover, printing to an ascii file may result in blank lines between groups of
records. While the initial FILE-IMPORT of such an *.LST file will be
relatively slow, FILE-SAVE it using CHVIEW as an *.LST file and the blanks will
be removed, speeding up file uploading.
- FILE-SAVE your *.LST file using SAVE AS *.CHV to gain even more efficiency
in file loading and to enable and save certain features of CHVIEW (e.g.,
routes) that require a binary data structure.
- Refer to the INSTRUCTIONS and GLOSSARY above for more specific details
(e.g., using CHVIEW features, sizing stars, or spectral types.
[Extrasolar Planets]
[Sol-Type Stars with Planets]