[Intro] [Contents] [Instructions] [Features] [Data] [Stars] [Glossary] [References] [Downloads]
[Extrasolar Planets] [Maps] [Sol-Type Stars with Planets]
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  1. Instructions
  2. Features
  3. The Data Files
  4. The Stars of the Milky Way
  5. Extrasolar Planets & Brown Dwarfs
  6. Sol-Type Stars with Planets or Brown Dwarfs
  7. Extrasolar News
  8. Glossary & Formulas
  9. References
  10. Appendix A - ASCII File Format
  11. Appendix B - Binary File Format
  12. Appendix C - Downloads
  13. Appendix D - Sample Maps

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[Extrasolar Planets] [Maps] [Sol-Type Stars with Planets]
[Intro] [Contents] [Instructions] [Features] [Data] [Stars] [Glossary] [References] [Downloads]