The following Java-based maps are located at our web site.
Nearby Stars | : stars within 27.2 ly of Sol with additional information on notable stars (ver:8/8/00) *** |
47ly Map | : stars within 47.2 ly of Sol with additional information on notable stars (ver:8/8/00) *** |
CJC Map27 | : stars in C.J. Cherryh's fictional universe located within 27.2 ly of Sol (ver:8/8/00) *** |
CJC Map47 | : stars in C.J. Cherryh's fictional universe located within 47.2 ly of Sol (ver:8/8/00) *** |
The following maps have been formatted to enhance printing in black and white, on white paper.
p10ly | : stars within 10 light-years of Sol, our sun *** |
p15ly | : stars within 15 ly of Sol *** |
p20ly | : stars within 20 ly of Sol *** |
p25ly | : stars within 25 ly of Sol *** |
p25ly-xy | : stars within 25 ly of Sol, grid display where (x,y,z=0) *** |
p25ly-xz | : stars within 25 ly of Sol, z-drop lines display where (x,y=0,z) *** |
p50ly | : field of stars within 50 ly of Sol *** |
Alpha Centauri3 | : Distance from Alpha Centauri A & B and Proxima Centauri to Sol *** |
Barnard's Star | : Distance between Barnard's Star and Sol and Alpha Centauri A & B *** |
Altair | : Stars within 25 ly of Altair (Alpha Aquilae) *** |
Fomalhaut | : Stars within 25 ly of Fomalhaut (Alpha Piscis Australis/Piscis Austrinus) *** |
Vega | : Stars within 25 ly of Vega (Alpha Lyrae). *** |
Cherryh | : Experimental Java viewer of some stars in C.J. Cherryh's fictional universe. |