Super-Earths |
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Kepler Mission,
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Super-Earths can have
a surface layer of
water or rock
Breaking News
On January 6, 2015, at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society, a team of scientists (analyzing data from NASA's Kepler Space Telescope) announced the discovery of eight new planets orbiting in or near the habitable zone of their host stars in Constellation Lyra. The two most Earth-like planets discovered are Kepler 438 b and Kepler 442 b, and both orbit orange to red dwarf stars that are smaller and cooler than our Sun. Kepler 438 b circles its star every 35 days, while Kepler 442 b completes one orbit every 112 days. With a diameter just 12 percent bigger than Earth, Kepler 438 b has a 70-percent chance of being rocky, while Kepler 442 b is about a third larger than Earth (probably a super-Earth), but still has a 60-percent chance of being rocky (CfA new release; and Torres et al, 2015).
On August 25, 2014, a team of astronomers submitted a paper revealing the discovery of a super-Earth around Groombridge 34 A in a tight inner orbit. Planetary candidate "b" has around 5.35 ± 0.75 Earth-masses and an orbital period that is a little longer than 11.4 days, which appears to be relatively circular (e= 0.12 +0.08/-0.06). Planet b's orbit around Star A has a semi-major axis of only 0.0717 +/- 0.0034 AUs (Howard et al, 2014).
On June 21, 2014, a team of astronomers submitted a preprint which revealed their detection of a super-Earth around CD-49 13515 (or Gl 832). Designated "c" after a previously discovered Jupiter-class planet b in a cold outer orbit, planet c has about 5.4 +/- 1.0 Earth-masses, an orbital period of 35.68 +/- 0.03 days at a semi-major axis of 0.163 +/- 0.006 AU, an orbital eccentricity of e= 0.18 +/- 0.13, and an orbital distance near the inner edge of its host star's habitable zone. If it has an Earth-like terrestrial atmosphere, planet c may have Earth-like temperatures with possibly with large seasonal shifts, given a similar terrestrial atmosphere, but a denser atmosphere as would be expected for massive super-Earths could easily make the planet too hot for life and more akin to a super-Venus instead (, June 29, 2014; Astronomy Picture of the Day; and Wittenmyer et al, 2014).
Efrain Morales Rivera,
UPR Arecibo
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jumbo composite image.
Planet "c" appears to be
a super-Earth
with sufficient mass to attract a dense
atmosphere and so may resemble a hot
On June 3, 2014, a team of astronomers reported the discovery of two super-Earths orbiting ancient Kapteyn's Star. Kapteyn b might support liquid water on is surface, although it has at least 4.8 Earth-masses and completes its orbit within only 48.6 days at an average orbital distance of 0.17, with an orbital eccentricity of 0.21. Kapteyn c is even more massive at a minimum of 7.0 Earth-masses and its year lasts 121.5 days at an average orbital distance of 0.31, with an orbital eccentricity of 0.23, and should be too cold to support liquid water. (CIS news release; and Anglada-Escudé et al, 2014).
Victor Robles, James Bullock, Miguel Rocha,
Joel Primack,
UC Irvine,
UC Santa Cruz
Larger composite illustration.
Two super-Earths have been detected around
Kapteyn's Star (an orphan star torn from an
ancient dwarf satellite galaxy of the Milky
Way), one within its habitable zone
On March 4, 2014, a team of astronomers announced that analysis of new and older radial-velocity data from nearby red dwarf stars indicates that most such stars may have at least one planet below 10 Earth-masses each. In addition to 10 unconfirmed, weaker "signals," the team was able to detect eight super-Earths around red dwarfs between 15 and 80 light-years away from our Sun, Sol, of which three orbit within the habitable zones of their host stars. They calculate that such habitable-zone super-Earths may orbit around at least a quarter of the red dwarfs in the Solar neighborhood (UH news release; and Tuomi et al, 2014).
Martin Kormmesser,
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Three, possibly four, super-Earths
have been detected in the habitable
zone around Star C
(more), view of
daytime sky from planet "d" as
imagined by Kormmesser.
On June 25, 2013, astronomers announced the Gliese 667 C has at least six planets (possibly seven) and confirmed that at least three (possibly four) super-Earths (possibly four) orbit within the habitable zone around the star (ESO news release; and Anglada-Escude et al, 2013).
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jumbo illustrations.
Six, possibly seven, planets
have been detected around
Star C
Super-Earth Candidates in or near Habitable Zone
(by equilibrium surface temperature)
On February 2, 2011, the Kepler Mission revealed the detection of 54 potential planetary candidates which orbit their host star within or near its apparent habitable zone -- where liquid water can exist on the surface of an Earth-type planet. Although five of these planets are near Earth in size, 16 are candidate super-Earths. While the other 33 are larger, some astronomers wonder if any of them have moons that could be massive enough to support Earth-type life (NASA/Kepler press release).
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As of February 2, 2011, the
Kepler Mission
has found 16 super-Earths candidates
with orbits within, or near, their
host star's habitable zone
The 16 planetary candidates have estimated diameters within range of being super-Earths (1.26 to 2.0 times Earth's diameter), given error margins ranging from 25 to 35 percent due to the uncertainty in the size of their host star and of the "depth" of the observed transits (decrease in stellar luminosity) across the surface of the star. For each planetary candidate, the equilibrium surface temperatures are derived from "grey-body spheres without atmospheres ... [and] calculations assume a Bond albedo of 0.3, emissivity of 0.9, and a uniform surface temperature ... [with uncertainties of] approximately 22% ... because of uncertainties in the stellar size, mass, and temperature as well as the planetary albedo." Actual planetary surface temperature would likely be higher due to warming by any atmosphere gases that might be present (Borucki et al, 2011, pp. 21-23, Table 6).
The table below lists Kepler's super-Earth candidates by designation number as a "Kepler Object of Interest" (KOI). This means that the object remains to be confirmed (as opposed to confirmed planets listed as Kepler-number). Also included in the table below is Gl 581 g, which is another super-Earth candidate in its host star's habitable zone whose existence has not been confirmed.
Distance from Sol (ly) | Star Type | Planet Name | Mass (Earths) | Radius/ Diameter (Earths) | Orbital Distance (a=AUs) | Habitable Zone (HZ=AUs) | Orbital Period (P=days) | Orbital Period (P=years) | Orbital Eccen- tricity (e) | Equi. Surface Temp. (°F) | Equi. Surface Temp. (°C) |
11.6 | M1.5 Vne | Groombridge 34 A | =>5.4 | >1 | 0.07 | 0.16-0.29 | 11.4 | 0.031 | 0.12 | hot | hot |
12.8 | sdM0-1.5 | Kapteyn's b | =>4.8 | >1 | 0.17 | 0.13-0.24 | 48.6 | 0.133 | 0.21 | warm? | warm? |
16.1 | M1.5-3.0 V | CD-49 13515 / Gl 832 c | =>5.4 | >1 | 0.16 | 0.13-0.24 | 35.7 | 0.10 | 0.18 | hot? | hot? |
16.4 | M3.5-4.5 V-VI | CD-44 11909 / GJ 682 b | ~4.4 | >1 | 0.08 | 0.05-0.09 | 17.5 | 0.048 | 0.08 | warm? | warm? |
20.4 | M2.5 V | Gl 581 d | 5.6-8.4 | =>1.5 | 0.218 | 0.11-0.28 | 66.9 | 0.183 | ~0 | cold? | cold? |
20.4 | M2.5 V | Gl 581 g? | 3.1-4.3 | 1.3-1.5 | 0.146 | 0.11-0.28 | 36.6 | 0.100 | ~0 | (84)-49 | (64)-45 |
22.7 | M1.5-2.5 V | Gl 667 Cc | =>3.8 | >1<4 | ~0.12 | 0.1-0.3 | 28.1 | 0.077 | 0.02 | warm? | warm? |
22.7 | M1.5-2.5 V | Gl 667 Cd/f | =>2.7 | >1<4 | ~0.16 | 0.1-0.3 | 39.0 | 0.107 | 0.03 | warm? | warm? |
22.7 | M1.5-2.5 V | Gl 667 Ce | =>2.7 | >1<4 | 0.21 | 0.1-0.3 | 62.2 | 0.170 | 0.02 | warm? | warm? |
22.7 | M1.5-2.5 V | Gl 667 Cf/d | =>5.1 | >1<4 | 0.28 | 0.1-0.3 | 91.6 | 0.251 | 0.03 | cool? | cool? |
36.4 | K5 V | HD 85512 b | ~3.6 | >1 | 0.26 | 0.30-0.59 | 58.4 | 0.160 | ~0.11 | warm? | warm? |
40.3 | M2-3 V | L 736-30 / Gl 180 c | ~6.4 | >1 | 0.13 | 0.12-0.24 | ? | ? | ? | warm? | warm? |
40.9 | M3.5 V | L 192-72 / Gl 422 b | ~9.9 | >1 | 0.12 | 0.11-0.21 | ? | ? | ? | warm? | warm? |
41.8 | K2.5 V | HD 40307 g? | =>7.1 | >1.5 | 0.06 | 0.4-1.0 | 197.8 | 0.542 | 0.29 | warm? | warm? |
48.8 | M3.5 V | Gl 163 c | =>6.9 | 1.8-2.4 | ~0.1 | 0.1-0.3 | <26 | <0.071 | ? | ~140 | ~60 |
300 - 600 | M V? | KOI 854.01 | ? | 1.7 | 0.24 | ... | 56 | 0.153 | ? | -15 | -26 |
300 - 600 | M V? | KOI 2626.01 | ? | 1.4 | 0.18 | ... | 38 | 0.104 | ? | -46 | 8 |
~620 | G5 V? | Kepler
22 b (KOI-87.01) | ? | 2.38 +/- 0.13 | 0.85 +/- 0.02 | ... | 289.9 | 0.794 | ? | 12 | -11 |
1,040-1,180 | K V | Kepler 442 b | >1? | 1.34 | 0.41 | ... | 112 | 0.31 | 0-0.12 | cool? | cool? |
~1,169 | K-M ? | KOI 255.01 | ? | ? | ? | ... | ? | ? | ? | 86 | 30 |
~1,200 | K2 V | Kepler-62e | >1 | 1.61 | 0.427 | 0.4-1.0? | 122.4 | 0.335 | 0.10 | 86 | 30 |
~1,200 | K2 V | Kepler-62f | >1 | 1.41 | 0.718 | 0.4-1.0? | 267.3 | 0.732 | 0.15 | -19 | -28 |
~2,700 | G2+ V | Kepler-69c | >1 | 1.71 | 0.64 | 0.9-1.2? | 242.5 | 0.664 | 0.14 | 79 | 26 |
? | G2+ V | KOI-172.02 | ? | ~1.5 | 0.75 | ... | 242 | 0.663 | ? | warm? | warm? |
? | ? | KOI-494.01 | ? | 1.9 | ? | ? | 25.7 | 0.070 | ? | ? | ? |
? | G V? | KOI-1503.01 | ? | 2.68 +/- 0.96 | 0.54 | ... | 150.2 | 0.411 | ? | -24 | -31 |
? | ? | KOI-784.01 | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
? | ? | KOI-610.01 | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
? | ? | KOI-947.01 | ? | 2.74 +/- 0.96 | 0.15 | ... | 28.6 | 0.078 | ? | 176 | 80 |
? | ? | KOI-817.01 | ? | 2.1 +/- 0.74 | 0.13 | ... | 24.0 | 0.066 | ? | 206 | 97 |
? | ? | KOI-1361.01 | ? | 2.2 +/- 0.77 | 0.24 | ... | 59.9 | 0.164 | ? | 43 | 6 |
? | ? | KOI-463.01 | ? | 2.2 +/- 0.77 | 0.24 | ... | 59.9 | 0.164 | ? | 43 | 6 |
? | ? | KOI-227.01 | ? | 2.2 +/- 0.77 | 0.24 | ... | 59.9 | 0.164 | ? | 43 | 6 |
? | G V? | KOI-536.01 | ? | 2.97 +/- 1.04 | 0.59 | ... | 162.3 | 0.444 | ? | 73 | 23 |
? | K V? | KOI-812.03 | ? | 2.12 +/- 0.74 | 0.21 | ... | 46.2 | 0.126 | ? | 82 | 28 |
? | G V? | KOI-416.02 | ? | 2.82 +/- 0.99 | 0.38 | ... | 88.2 | 0.242 | ? | 111 | 44 |
? | ? | KOI-494.01 | ? | 1.9 | ? | ? | 25.7 | 0.070 | ? | ? | ? |
? | G V? | KOI-555.02 | ? | 2.27 +/- 0.80 | 0.38 | ... | 86.5 | 0.237 | ? | 136 | 58 |
? | G V? | KOI-70.03 | ? | 1.96 +/- 0.67 | 0.35 | ... | 77.6 | 0.212 | ? | 140 | 60 |
? | G V? | KOI-1355.01 | ? | 2.81 +/- 0.98 | 0.27 | ... | 51.9 | 0.142 | ? | 156 | 69 |
? | G V? | KOI-711.03 | ? | 2.62 +/- 0.92 | 0.49 | ... | 124.5 | 0.341 | ? | 161 | 72 |
? | K V? | KOI-174.01 | ? | 2.52 +/- 0.88 | 0.27 | ... | 56.4 | 0.154 | ? | 179 | 82 |
? | G V? | KOI-1564.01 | ? | 3.07 +/- 1.08 | 0.28 | ... | 53.4 | 0.146 | ? | 188 | 87 |
? | G V? | KOI-365.01 | ? | 2.34 +/- 0.82 | 0.37 | ... | 81.7 | 0.224 | ? | 194 | 90 |
? | K V? | KOI-952.03 | ? | 2.4 +/- 0.84 | 0.12 | ... | 22.8 | 0.062 | ? | 197 | 92 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
On April 18, 2013, astronomers working on NASA's Kepler Mission announced their discovery of two planetary systems that appear to host three super-Earth-size planets (Kepler 62e, 62f, and 69c) in habitable-zone orbits, where the surface temperature of the planet may be suitable for liquid water. Although the Kepler-62 system has five detected planets, the Kepler-69 system has only two thus far. Kepler 62 is a K-2 dwarf star that is smaller, cooler, only a fifth as bright as our Sun, Sol, while Kepler 69 is a Sun-like G-type dwarf with perhaps 93 percent of its mass and 80 percent of its brightness. Kepler-62f is only 40 percent larger in diameter than Earth, making it the extra-Solar planet closest to Earth's size detected in the habitable zone of another star and is likely to have a rocky composition. Similarly, Kepler-62e orbits on the inner edge of its star's habitable zone and is roughly 60 percent larger than Earth. Modelling suggest that both 62e and 62f may be "water worlds" with global oceans. Kepler-69c may be around 70 percent larger than Earth, and its orbit of 242 days around its Sun-like star resembles that of Venus in the Solar System (NASA news release; and Kepler news release).
Unknown artist,
Kepler Mission,
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(from left: Kepler-69c, 62f, 62e, and Earth).
The Kepler
Mission has
found three more super-Earths in
in habitable-zone orbits
On February 6, 2013, astronomers analyzing data from NASA's the Kepler Space Telescope announced that some six percent of red dwarf stars may have habitable, Earth-sized planets. Recalibrated for the size of their host star now calculated to be red dwarfs, one Earth-sized and two super-Earth planets were identified as orbiting within their stars' habitable zones. The three habitable-zone planetary candidates identified in this study are: Kepler Object of Interest (KOI) 1422.02, which is 90 percent the size of Earth in a 20-day orbit; KOI 2626.01, 1.4 times the size of Earth in a 38-day orbit; and KOI 854.01, 1.7 times the size of Earth in a 56-day orbit. All three are located about 300 to 600 light-years away and orbit stars with temperatures between 5,700 and 5,900 degrees Fahrenheit (CfA press release; and Dressing and Charbonneau, 2013).
David A. Aguilar,
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Analysis of Kepler
data indicates that 6 percent
of all red dwarf stars may
have Earth-like planets
On January 7, 2013, NASA's Kepler Mission announced the detection of 461 new planetary candidates. Four are classed as super-Earths that may orbit within their host star's habitable zone. One (KOI 172.02) only has about 1.5 Earth's diameter and orbits a G-type star somewhat cooler than our Sun, Sol, at a distance of about 0.75 AU with a period of 242 days (Kepler news release).
Kepler Mission,
Larger graph.
As of January 7, 2013, the
Kepler Mission
has detected
816 super-Earth-sized,
planetary candidates
On December 17, 2012, an astronomer submitted a preprint with new analysis of available radial-velocity data supporting the existence of five planetary candidates around Gliese 667 C. Two planetary candidates were previous detected with orbital periods of 7.2 and 28.1 days ("b" and "c'), while three additional orbital periods of 30.8, 38.8, and 91.3 days ("d," "e," and "f") are also likely to be associated with planetary companions around Gliese 667 C. If confirmed as planets, the 28.1-, 30.8-, and 38.8-day periods would be associated with objects orbiting in the "central portion of the habitable zone, while the 91.3 day orbits lies partly within the habitable zone." The minimum masses for b, c, d, e, and f are 5.4, 4.8, 3.1, 2.4, and 5.4 Earth-masses, respectively. If confirmed, planetary candiate "e" with a 38.8-day period with 2.4 Earth-masses is the lowest mass extra-Solar planet detected in a star's habitable zone to day (Philip C. Gregory, 2012).
On November 7, 2012, a team of astronomers revealed the possible detection of three additional super-Earth-class around this star. Planetary candidates "e," "f," and "g" have a minimum of 3.5 to 7.1 Earth-masses, and their orbits have: average distances of 0.119, 0.247, and 0.600 AU; periods of 34.6, 51.8, and 197.8 days; and eccentricities of 0.15, 0.02, and 0.29, respectively. Orbiting at an average distance within its host star's habitable zone, candidate g has at least 7.1 Earth-masses and so may have a thick atmosphere more like Neptune in the Solar System (Joanna Carver, New Scientist, November 8, 2012); BBC News, November 8, 2012; and Tuomi et al, 2012).
J. Pinfield,
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Planetary candidate "g" may
be a super-Earth with a
habitable-zone orbit
On August 29, 2012, the Planetary Habitability Laboratory (PHL) revealed that a team of astronomers working with the High Accuracy Radial velocity Planet Search (HARPS) project had discovered two planets "b" and "c" around the red dwarf star Gliese 163. Gliese 163 c is a super-Earth with a minimum of 6.9 Earth-masses and a diameter between 1.8 and 2.4 times that of Earth. Located just inside the inner edge of Gliese 163's habitable zone, planet c completes an orbit around its host star in less than 26 days. Receiving on average about 40 percent more light from its host star than Earth does from Sol, planet c has an average surface temperature of about 60°C, compared with Earth's 50°C (PHL press release).
PHL @ UPR Arecibo
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As of August 29, 2012, the most
habitable super-Earth may be
Gliese 581 "g",
among five
other super-Earths near or
within the habitable zone of
their host stars
On July 19, 2012, the Planetary Habitability Laboratory (PHL) announced that new data and analysis suggest that the most habitable super-Earth known on that date may be Gliese 581 g, among four other super-Earths near or within the habitable zone of their host stars. Although the nearby star Gliese 581 is already known for having at least four planets, with Gliese 581 d already suspected of having a habitable orbit, there is now evidence there are two potentially habitable exoplanets orbiting the same star. Both planets are included among the five most habitable found thus far using PHL criteria, including Gliese 667 Cc, Kepler-22 b, and HD 85512 b (PHL press release).
Luis Calçada,
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Sunset on planetary candidate "c"
Gliese 667 / MLO4 C with
binary stars A and B in the
darkening sky
(more), as imagined
by Calçada.
On March 28, 2012, astronomers working with the European Southern Observatory's HARPS instrument announced that super-Earths with habitable-zone orbits may be found in about 41 percent (within a range of 28 to 95 percent) of dim red dwarf (spectral class M) stars within 30 light-years of our Sun. Previously discussed in a November 24, 2011 pre-print, the astronomers "surveyed a carefully chosen sample of 102 red dwarf stars in the southern skies over a six-year period" and found a "total of nine super-Earths (planets with masses between one and ten times that of Earth)," of which two orbiting within the habitable zones of Gliese 581 and Gliese 667 C. By combining all the radial-velocity data of red dwarf stars (including those without undetected planets) and examining the fraction of confirmed planets that was found, the astronomers were able to estimate the probable distribution of different types of planets around red dwarfs: for example, only 12 percent of such stars within 30 light-years may have giant planets with masses between 100 and 1,000 times that of the Earth (ESO news release; Bonfils et al, 2011; and Delfosse et al, 2011).
Unknown artist,
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Kepler 22b is a super-Earth candidate with
around 2.4 times Earth's diameter that orbits
a G5 star within its habitable zone
On December 5, 2011, astronomers working on the Kepler Mission announced their first confirmation an extra-Solar, super-Earth-sized planet orbiting within the "habitable zone" of a distant Sun-like star (spectral class G5), which was discovered using Kepler. Located around 620 light-years away around a star somewhat smaller, cooler, and roughly 25 percent dimmer than Sol which was designated "Kepler-22," planet "b" is estimated to have about 2.38 (+/- 0.13) times Earth's diameter and has an orbital period around Kepler 22 of about 290 days (with an average orbital distance of around 0.85 +/- 0.02AUs). Scientists have not yet been able to determine whether Kepler-22 b has a predominantly rocky, gaseous, or liquid composition (NASA news release; Kepler briefing and discoveries; and science news).
Courtesy of
Kepler Mission,
Larger and
jumbo illustrations;
and more detailed,
As of February 2, 2011, NASA's
Kepler Mission
has identified
1,235 planetary candidates based
on more than four months of
observations, of which many are
in 170 multi-planet systems and
54 may orbit within the habitable
zone of their host stars
On Wednesday, February 2, 2011, NASA's Kepler Mission revealed that, thus far, it has detected 1,235 planetary candidates orbiting 907 host stars, from a survey of some 155,453 stars in constellations Cygnus and Lyra using the transit method which requires a rare orbital alignment across the face of the host star as seen from the Solar System. Most of these potential planets appear to be much smaller than gas giants (like Jupiter and Saturn). They include 19 larger than Jupiter and 165 Jupiter-class objects, 662 Neptune-class planets, 288 "super-Earths" (1.26 to 2.0 times Earth's diameter, and 68 Earth-sized planets (0.5 to 1.25 times Earth's diameter) (NASA/Kepler press release; Borucki et al, 2011; and Lissauer et al, 2011a).
et al, 2011,
Kepler Mission,
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As of February 2, 2011,
planetary candidates have been
identified from only some four
and a half months of observation,
and so the orbital periods of
these 1,235 potential planets
are relatively short
Many of these planets have been found to be members of some 170 multi-planet systems (Lissauer et al, 2011a). Kepler's growing haul of planetary candidates was derived from only four and a half months of observations conducted between May 2 and Sept. 17, 2009. By comparison, confirmation of an Earth-sized planet orbiting its host star at a distance of one AU like the Earth would take a full 12 months of observations, plus another year or two of repeated observation to confirm the orbital period. Lastly, the largest known planetary system other than the Solar System was confirmed to have at least six planets, which have tightly packed orbits around an eight-billion-year-old star located some 2,000 light-years away and include four super-Earths: Kepler-11b, "-11d, "-11e, and "-11f (Kepler news release; Borucki et al, 2011; Lissauer et al, 2011b; and Rachel Courtland, New Scientist, February 3, 2011 -- whose planetary and orbital characteristics are summarized below).
Pyle, NASA
Larger and
jumbo illustrations.
NASA's Kepler Mission
has confirmed
its detection of a planetary system
(Kepler-11) with at least six planets,
including four super-Earths
An Evolving Concept
Fellow astronomers were quite surprised in 1990 when Alex Wolszczan and 'Dale Frail announced the discovery of the first three planets outside the Solar System around PSR B1257+12 during a pulsars survey (Wolszczan and Frail, 1992. Given then theories of planetary formation, they had expected to find planets in orbit around "normal" main sequence stars like our Sun, Sol, instead of orbiting stellar remnants like neutron stars which had undergone supernovae. That two of the first three planets were larger than Earth but smaller than the Solar System's four outer gas giants was also unexpected. Not until 2005 did astronomers finally announce the finding of a similarly sized planet around a main sequence star, with the discovery of Gliese (Gl) 876 d.
Trent Schindler,
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jumbo illustrations
and videos).
Gl 876 d
may be rocky and have
an atmosphere with clouds and the
glow of molten areas on its surface,
as imagined by Schindler
Using a lower bound of two Earth-masses, astronomers have been increasingly relying on the label "super-Earth" for extra-Solar planets that are probably too large to be very "Earth-like," despite their search for planets with characteristics closer to the Solar System's four rocky inner, "terrrestrial" planets than gas giants. In addition, they have also relied on the predictions of core-accretion models of planetary development that require an upper bound of around 10 Earth-masses to avoid forming large planets that form a significant hydrogen-helium atmosphere like the gas giants (beginning with Uranus in the Solar System). As additional super-Earths are discovered, researchers has been debating whether additional criteria (e.g., planetary radius or density) should be added for making additional distinctions (Seager et al, 2007).
Jonathan Langton,
Principia College
simulation slide
of atmospheric flows.
61 Virginis b has an inner
"torch" orbit that should
heat its atmosphere so
much that it glows
NASA's Kepler Mission originally proposed to define the size of an Earth-type planet to be one with between 0.5 and 2.0 times Earth's mass, or one having between 0.8 and 1.3 times Earth's radius or diameter. The mission is also focusing on larger terrestrial planets that have two to 10 Earth-masses, or 1.4 to 2.2 times its radius. While larger planets could have sufficient gravity to attract a massive hydrogen-helium atmosphere, smaller planets -- like Mars or Mercury that have less than half the Earth's mass -- located in or near their star's habitable zone may lose their initial life-supporting atmosphere because of low gravity and/or the lack of plate tectonics needed to recycle heat-retaining carbon dioxide gas back into the atmosphere (Kasting et al, 1993). In contrast, super-Earths with a similar concentration but larger absolute amount of radioactive heat sources (i.e., uranium and thorium) than Earth would produce more internal heat, more vigorous mantle convection, and faster plate tectonic action involving thinner plates, which may promote planetary habitability with lower mountain ranges but higher volcanic activity and an atmosphere with a greater relative composition of volcanic and lighter gases (Sasselov and Valencia, Scientific American, August 2010; Valencia and O'Connell, 2009; and Valencia et al, 2007).
animation still.
Gliese 581 d orbits within
its host
habitable zone and so may
have liquid surface water in a deep
global ocean, as a
"water world"
Assuming an iron-rich planet with an internal structure like Earth, modelling results for the first discovered super-Earth (GJ 876 d) indicate the existence of a threshold in planetary diameter above which a super-Earth "most certainly" has a high water content (an "ocean planet" or "water world," where thick layers of water and pressurized ice surround a rocky mantle and core); this threshold was found to be around 24,000 kilometers (or nearly 15,000 miles) in the particular case of GJ 876 d (Valencia et al, 2007). Given the same mass, ocean planets are around 40 to 50 percent larger than rocky planets (Fortney et al, 2007). Water worlds, however, may be most likely type of super-Earth to be habitable for photosynthesis-based Earth-type life (von Bloh et al, 2009).
NASA -- larger image
Many charged particles from the Sun's Solar Wind are trapped by Earth's
to form its
deflecting the Wind from a head-on collision with its atmosphere.
In 2010, model simulations of rocky super-Earths between two and 10 Earth-masses indicated that high pressures could keep their cores solid instead of molten, which would prevent a protective magnetic field from forming protecting developing surface life from stellar radiation. Without a magnetic field generated by a rotating molten metallic core, the atmosphere of such a planet would also face progressive erosion by the stellar wind of its host star. Other scientists caution that the interiors of super-Earth may still get hot enough to melt their iron cores despite the pressure due to other factors not yet considered by the model simulation (New Scientist, November 6, 2010; and Morard et al, 2010).
Super-Earths within 100 light-years
from Sol
12.8 sdM0-1.5 Kapteyn's c =>7.0 >1 0.31 0.13-0.24 121.5 0.333 0.23 frigid? frigid?
15.2 M4 V Gl 876 d 5.9-7.5 1.7 0.021 0.11-0.22 1.9 0.0053 0.10 315-711 157-377
19.8 G8 V 82 Eridani b =>2.68 >1 0.12 0.56-1.11 ~18 0.05 0.? hot hot
19.8 G8 V 82 Eridani c =>2.38 >1 0.20 0.56-1.11 ~40 0.11 0.? hot hot
19.8 G8 V 82 Eridani d =>4.72 >1 0.35 0.56-1.11 ~90 0.25 0.? hot hot
20.4 M2.5 V Gl 581 c =>5.6 =>1.5 0.07 0.11-0.28 12.9 0.035 ~0 hot hot
20.4 M2.5 V Gl 581 d 5.6-8.4 =>1.5 0.22 0.11-0.28 66.9 0.183 ~0 cold? cold?
20.4 M2.5 V Gl 581 e 1.7-3.1 >1 0.03 0.11-0.28 3.1 0.085 ~0 hot hot
20.4 M2.5 V Gl 581 f =>7.0 >1.5 0.758 0.11-0.28 433 1.19 ~0 frigid frigid
20.4 M2.5 V Gl 581 g? 3.1-4.3 1.3-1.5 0.146 0.11-0.28 36.6 0.100 ~0 (29)-160 (34)-71
22.7 M1.5-
2.5 VGl 667 Cb =>5.7 >1 ~0.05 ~0.1-0.3+ ~7 ~0.02 ? hot hot
22.7 M1.5-
2.5 VGl 667 Cc? =>3.4 >1<4 ~0.12 0.1-0.3 28.1 0.077 ~0 warm? warm?
27.8 G5-6 V 61 Vir b =>5.1 >1 0.050 0.8-1.5 4.2 0.011 0.12 hot hot
29.5 M1.5 V Gl 433 b =>6.0 >1 0.056 0.18-0.35+ ~7 ~0.02 ? hot hot
30.7 M2.5 V Gl 176 b =>8.4 >1 0.066 0.11-0.28? 8.8 0.023 ~0 hot hot
36.4 K5 V HD 85512 b ~3.6 >1 0.26 0.30-0.59 58.4 0.160 ~0.11 warm? warm?
40.9 G8-K0 V 55 Cancri e 8.6 1.6 0.016 0.7-1.4 0.7 0.002 0.07 3,300-4,900 1,800-2,700
41.0 G7.5-K0 V HD 69830 b =>10.5 >1 0.078 0.6-1.3 8.7 0.024 0.10 =>530 =>990
41.8 K2.5-3 V HD 40307 b =>4.2 1-1.5 0.055 0.44-0.87 4.3 0.012 ~0 hot hot
41.8 K2.5-3 V HD 40307 c =>6.7 1-2 0.082 0.44-0.87 9.6 0.026 ~0 hot hot
41.8 K2.5-3 V HD 40307 d =>9.4 ~2 0.136 0.44-0.87 20.4 0.056 ~0 hot hot
42.1 M4.5 V GJ 1214 b 5.57-7.53 2.53-2.74 0.014 ~0.1-0.2 1.6 0.0044 <0.27 >540 >280
54.0 K0V HD 7924 b =>9.3 >1 0.057 0.5-1.1 5.4 0.015 ~0.2 hot hot
69.5 K1 V HD 97658 b =>8.2 >1 0.083 0.5-1.0 9.5 0.026 ~0 hot hot
76.4 G0 V HD 1461 b =>6.94 >1 0.063 0.8-1.6 5.8 0.016 ~0 hot hot
76.4 G0 V HD 1461 c =>5.92 >1 0.112 0.8-1.6 13.5 0.037 ~0 hot hot
78.4 K2 V HD 156668 b =>4.2 >1 ~0.05 0.47-0.93 4.6 0.013 ~0 hot hot
~85 K3-5 V-III HD 181433 b =>7.5 1-2 0.08 0.65-0.87 9.5 0.026 0.40 hot hot
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
On January 26, 2012, scientists working on NASA's Kepler Mission team announced the discovery of 11 new planetary systems hosting 26 confirmed planets, as well as additional planetary candidates. These discoveries nearly double the number of confirmed planets discovered using the Kepler space telescope and triple the number of stars known to have more than one planet that "transits" in front of its host star. Fifteen of the newly confirmed planets are estimated to be only between Earth and Neptune in size, and the smallest may have a diameter only 50 percent larger than Earth's (Kepler 33b). The smallest planet orbits Kepler-33, a star older and more massive than our Sun, Sol, which also had the most detected planet candidates at five (ranging in size from 1.5 to 5 times that of Earth) in uninhabitable, hot inner orbits closer to their star than even Mercury around our Sun (NASA Kepler news release; and JPL news release).
Dan C. Fabrycky,
U.C. Santa Cruz,
Larger and
jumbo illustration.
Kepler has discovered 11 more
star systems with at least 26
confirmed planets
On January 11, 2012, astronomers working with the European Southern Observatory (ESO) announced that most stars in our Milky Way Galaxy have planets. They used gravitational microlensing to analyze how common planets may be around stars. After six years of observation involving millions of stars, they concluded "that stars are orbited by planets as a rule, rather than the exception." While other techniques are biased towards detecting planets close to their stars (such that 17 to 30 percent of Sol-type stars have been found to have such inner-orbit planets), gravitional lensing has found reveals the fraction of planets at farther orbits. In their survey of planets within 0.5 to 10 AUs of their host star, the astronomers found that 17 +6/-9 percent of observed stars had Jupiter-class planets (of 0.3 to 10 Jupiter masses), 52 +22/-29 percent had Neptune-class planets (of 10 to 30 Earth-masses), and that 62 +35/-37 percent had super-Earths of 5 to 10 Earth-masses, which is consistent with the conclusion that an average star in the Milky Way should have one or more planets within an orbital distance of 0.5 to 10 AUs, and that there may be some 10 billion Earth-sized planets in the galaxy (ESO press release; Anil Ananthaswamy, New Scientist, January 11, 2012; Jason Palmer, BBC News, January 11, 2012; and Cassan et al, 2012).
Martin Kornmesser,
Larger and
jumbo illustrations.
A planet detection effort using
microlensing suggests
that most stars in our galaxy have
planets in orbit around them, of
which many are super-Earths
On December 5, 2011, on the opening of its inaugural science conference at NASA's Ames Research Center, the Kepler Mission team announced 1,094 new planetary candidates, bringing the running total of potential planet discoveries to 2,326. Of those Kepler planetary candidates, 207 are roughly Earth-size, 680 are super-Earth-size, 1,181 are Neptune-size, 203 are Jupiter-size, and 55 are larger than Jupiter. Based on Kepler observations conducted from May 2009 to September 2010, the planet findings show a dramatic increase in the numbers of smaller-size planet candidates, where Earth-size and super-Earth-size candidates have increased in number by more than 204 and 136 percent, respectively, since the last Kepler announcement in February 2011. The new data indicate that planets from one to four times the size of Earth may be abundant in our galaxy. Thus far, Kepler has found 48 planetary candidates in their host star's habitable zone (of which 10 are near Earth-size), but this number is a decrease from the 54 reported in February 2011 only because the Kepler team is now applying a stricter definition of what constitutes a habitable zone around stars to account for the warming effect of planetary atmospheres, which would move such a zone away from the star, outwards in orbital distance resulting in longer orbital periods (NASA news release; and Kepler Press Conference slides -- in pdf).
Unknown artist,
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jumbo illustrations.
As Kepler 22 is slight smaller and cooler than
our Sun, Sol, its habitable zone is slightly
smaller and located closer to the star than the
habitable zone around our own Sun
In a pre-print submitted on November 21, 2011, a team of astronomers revealed the finding of a second potential super-Earth "c" with at least 3.4 Earth-masses in a potentially habitable-zone orbit (~0.12 AUs) with a period of 28.1 days around Gliese 667 C, or MLO 4 C, (Bonfils et al, 2011; and Delfosse et al, 2011, in prep).
© Lynette Cook (Artwork from
Planets - Collection III,
used with permission)
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Like Gliese 581 g,
Gliese 667 Cc is
believed to be a super-Earth that orbits
Gliese 667 C within the red dwarf
star's habitable zone
On September 12, 2011, astronomers working with the High Accuracy Radial velocity Planet Searcher (HARPS) at the European Southern Observatory (ESO) announced the discovery of 16 super-Earths (including HD 85512 b discussed below) among 50 newly detected extra-Solar planets (ESO science release; and Mayor et al, 2011).
animation still.
Gliese 581 d, HD 85512 b orbits just
within its host star's
habitable zone and so
may have liquid surface water on its surface
under favorable atmospheric conditions.
On August 17, 2011, astronomers associated with the High Accuracy Radial velocity Planet Searcher (HARPS) at the European Southern Observatory (ESO) uploaded a pre-print that revealed the discovery of a super-Earth of around 3.6 +/- 0.5 Earth-masses in a potentially habitable zone orbit around HD 85512 (also known as CD-42 5678 or Gliese 370) (Pepe et al, 2011; and Kaltenegger et al, 2011). The planet complete an orbit around HD 85512 in 58.43 +/- 0.13 days at an average distance of 0.26 +/- 0.005 AU in an mildly elliptical orbit with an eccentricity e = 0.11 +/- 0.10 (Pepe et al, 2011; and Kaltenegger et al, 2011, Table 1). This orbits places the planet near the inner edge of its host star's habitable zone, where liquid water could exist in liquid form under favorable conditions such as an albedo of 0.52 with an orbital eccentricity of 0.11 and more than 52 percent cloud cover under a sufficiently dense atmosphere of water, carbon dioxide, and molecular nitrogen like Earth's (ESO science release; Pepe et al, 2011; and Kaltenegger et al, 2011 -- more below).
Martin Kornmesser,
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jumbo illustrations
HD 85512 b has some 3.6 Earth-masses
and appears to orbit near the estimated
inner edge of the
habitable zone
its host star, where liquid water, and
possibly life, may exist under favorable
On June 10, 2011, a team of astronomers submitted a preprint which revealed the detection of a possible cold super-Earth around a low-mass star around 9,900 +/- 1,100 light-years away in Constellation Scorpius (17:48:5.06-35:00:19.8) using the gravitational microlensing method. It was first detected on June 1, 2009 by the Microlensing Observations in Astrophysics (MOA) collaboration with the 1.8-meter telescope at the Mount John University Observatory in New Zealand. Designated MOA-2009-BLG-266L b, the planet has a mass of around 10.4 +/- 1.7 Earth-masses and orbits its host star at a semi-major axis of 3.2 +1.9/-0.5 AUs with an orbital period of 7.6 +7.7/-1.5 years. MOA-2009-BLG-266L, the host star has only some 0.56 +/- 0.09 of a Solar-mass. Measurement corroboration of the planet's mass as well the microlensing parallax were undertaken with the Deep Impact / EPOXI spacecraft, which was in a Heliocentric orbit (around our Sun, Sol). The planet's mass and orbital distance are around the theoretical threshold values needed to accrete a substantial gas envelope of hydrogen and helium like Uranus (Muraki et al, 2011; and the Extrasolar Planet Encyclopaedia entry for MOA-2009-BLG-266L b).
Larger image of
A new super-Earth with around 10
Earth-masses (that may have a gaseous
atmospheric envelope of hydrogen and
helium like Uranus) has been detected
in a cold orbit around a dim, low-mass
star aroud 9,900 light-years away
On May 23, 2011, astronomers on the Kepler Mission announced confirmation of another planet in the Kepler-10 system, designated Kepler-10c. It's existence was "validated using a combination of a computer simulation technique called 'Blender' and NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope. Kepler-10c appears to be a super-Earth class planet with 2.2 times Earth's radius, and it orbits the star every 45 days (which is longer than Kepler-10b's eight-day orbit and so must have a longer orbital distance). Although also a super-Earth class planet, Kepler-10b has only 1.4 times Earth's radius and has been determined to be one of the smallest rocky planets detected thus far. Both Kepler-10b and 10c, however, are calculated to be "blistering hot worlds" (Kepler news release; Fressin et al, 2011; and Francois Freesin's PowerPoint presentation slides).
Unknown artist,
SSC, Caltech,
Larger and jumbo
A new super-Earth "c" has been detected
in the Kepler 10 system around 560
light-years away, which should be a
"blisteringly hot" world
On March 8, 2011, two astronomers analyzing the first four months of data from NASA's Kepler Mission submitted a pre-print with an initial estimate that the 1.4 (+/- 0.5) to 2.7 (+/- 0.9) percent of the Sun-like stars (of FGK spectral types) in the Kepler sample of nearly 155,500 may host Earth- and super-Earth sized planets with orbits within their host star's habitable zone (Catanzarite and Shao, 2011). The variance in the estimates depended on the use of a conservative versus a more conventional definition of habitable zone (Kasting et al, 1993; and ExoPlanet Task Force, 2008 report in pdf, pp. 102-103). Their calculations suggested that Kepler will eventually find a total of 12 such "Earth-analog" planets after three to four years of observation, and that four of these planets have already been detected. The astronomers expect that this estimate of Earth-analog planets can be refined as Kepler's data set grows to 3.5 to six years of observations (Catanzarite and Shao, 2011; and Victoria Jaggard, National Geographic News, March 29, 2011).
A. Aguilar,
Larger and jumbo
A March 2011 study estimates that
1.4 to 2.7 percent of the Sun-like
stars (of spectral classes FGK) in
the 155,500 sample being observed
by NASA's Kepler
Mission may
host Earth- or Super-Earth sized
planets in habitable orbits
On October 11, 2010, an astronomer from the Geneva Observatory's High Accuracy Radial velocity Planetary Search (HARPS) project announced at the IAU Symposium 276 that their team had not been able to confirm the existence of either planetary candidates Gliese 581 "g" or ""f" based on only their own, expanded but smaller dataset of 180 observations over 6.5 years. Simulations based on their data have shown that the probability that the radial-velocity variations can be produced "by chance" because the noise is not negligible. This is because the signal amplitude of "g" and "f" are very low and close to the level of the measurement noise (Leslie Mullen, Astrobiology, October 12, 2010; and Rachel Courtland, New Scientist, October 13, 2010).
© ESO, unknown artist
Larger illustration.
Using a smaller dataset over 6.5
rather than 11 years, a rival team
of astronomers has not been able
confirm the existence of planetary
candidates "g" and "f"
On September 29, 2010, a team of astronomers announced the discovery of a super-Earth sized, rocky planet orbiting within the habitable zone of nearby, red dwarf star Gliese 581 (also known as HO Librae but first catalogued as BD-07 4003), based on 11 years of radial-velocity measurements at the Keck Observatory and similar published data from the Geneva Observatory's HARPS project. Located towards Constellation Libra, the Gliese 581 system is now believed to have at least six planetary candidates, of which the "potentially habitable" planet has been designated as Gl 581 "g." This planetary candidate is estimated to have between 3.1 and 4.3 Earth-masses and between 1.3 and 1.5 times Earth's diameter, with a greater surface gravity of around 1.1 to 1.7 g.
© Lynette Cook (Artwork from
Planets - Collection III,
used with permission)
Larger and
Planetary candidate "g" is believed
to be a rocky super-Earth that orbits
Gliese 581 within the red dwarf
star's habitable zone
Gliese 581 g has an orbital period of 36.6 days at an average orbital distance of 0.146 AUs. Such a planetary orbit is likely to be in synchronous rotation with its host star, so that one side is always facing the star with perpetual daylight while the other side is in perpetual darkness. As the planet is massive enough to hold on to a thick atmosphere with heat-circulating winds, however, it may host a wide range of relatively stable climates, with the most hospitable region for Earth-type life around the line between shadow and light known as the "terminator." Although the average surface temperature is estimated to be between -24° F (-31° C or 242° Kelvin) and 10° F (-12° C or 261° Kelvin), actual surface temperatures could range from very hot at around 160 °F (71 °C) on the daylight side to very cold at around -29 °F (-34 °C) on the dark side (NASA news release; Carnegie news release; U.C. at Santa Cruz press release; NSF video announcement; David Shiga, New Scientist, September 29, 2010; Dennis Overbye, New York Times, September 29, 2010; Astronomy Picture of the Day; and Vogt et al, 2010).
Notable Super-Earths beyond 100 light-years
Luis Calçada, ESO
Large and
jumbo illustrations.
b, the first potential
rocky planet detected outside
the Solar system, may be the
remnant core of a Saturn-mass
gas giant that had its
atmosphere and lower gas
metal layers burned off
from Sol
~142 K3 V HD 215497 b =>5.4 >1 >0.1 0.97-1.29 3.9 0.011 ? hot hot
~490 G9-K0 V CoRoT-7 b ~4.8 1.7 0.017 <1 0.85 0.0023 ~0 2,200-3,700 1,500-2,300
~560 G V? Kepler-10b
(KOI 72.01)~4.6 ~1.4 0.0168 0.95-1.37? 0.84 0.0023 ~0 ?-2,840 ?-1,560
~560 G V? Kepler-10c
(KOI 72.01)<20 ~2.2 0.24 0.95-1.37? 45.3 0.124 ~0 hot hot
~620 G5 V? Kepler
22 b
(KOI-87.01)? 2.38 +/- 0.13 0.85 +/- 0.02 ... 289.9 0.794 ? 12 -11
~2,000 G V? Kepler-11b
(KOI 157.01)~4.3 ~2.0 0.091 ~1-1.4? 10.3 0.028 ~0 ~1,160 ~627
~980 pulsar PSR B1257+12 c 4.3 >1? 0.38 none 66 0.18 0.19 frigid frigid
~980 pulsar PSR B1257+12 d 3.9 >1? 0.46 none 98 0.27 0.25 frigid frigid
~1,000 brown
BLG-192L b~3.3 >1 ~0.6? <0.01 ? <1 ? frigid frigid
~2,000 G V? Kepler-11b
(KOI 157.01)~4.3 ~2.0 0.091 ~1-1.4? 10.3 0.028 ~0 ~1,160 ~627
~2,000 G V? Kepler-11d
(KOI 157.03)~6.1 ~3.4 0.159 ~1-1.4? 22.7 0.062 ~0 ~786 ~419
~2,000 G V? Kepler-11e
(KOI 157.04)~8.4 ~4.5 0.194 ~1-1.4? 32.0 0.088 ~0 ~651 ~344
~2,000 G V? Kepler-11f
(KOI 157.05)~2.3 ~2.6 0.25 ~1-1.4? 46.7 0.128 ~0 ~520 ~271
2,000+ ? Kepler-9d
(KOI 377.03)3-4+? ~1.6 <0.1 ? 1.6 0.0041 ? hot hot
~9,900 K-M? MOA-2009-BLG-266L
b ~10.4 >4? ~3.2 ? ~2,800 ~7.6 ? frigid frigid
~22,000 M4? V OGLE-2005-
BLG-390L b~5.5 >1 ~2.6 ~0.1-0.2 ~3,300 ~8.9 ? (370) (220)
? G? KOI 191.02 5-18 2.0 <0.1 ? 2.4 0.007 ? hot hot
? G? KOI 877.01 6-40 2.6 <0.1 ? 6.0 0.016 ? hot hot
? G? KOI 877.02 5-25 2.3 <0.1 ? 12.0 0.033 ? hot hot
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
On June 10, 2011, a team of astronomers submitted a preprint which revealed the detection of a possible cold super-Earth around a low-mass star around 9,900 +/- 1,100 light-years away in Constellation Scorpius (17:48:5.06-35:00:19.8) using the gravitational microlensing method. It was first detected on June 1, 2009 by the Microlensing Observations in Astrophysics (MOA) collaboration with the 1.8-meter telescope at the Mount John University Observatory in New Zealand. Designated MOA-2009-BLG-266L b, the planet has a mass of around 10.4 +/- 1.7 Earth-masses and orbits its host star at a semi-major axis of 3.2 +1.9/-0.5 AUs with an orbital period of 7.6 +7.7/-1.5 years. MOA-2009-BLG-266L, the host star has only some 0.56 +/- 0.09 of a Solar-mass. Measurement corroboration of the planet's mass as well the microlensing parallax were undertaken with the Deep Impact / EPOXI spacecraft, which was in a Heliocentric orbit (around our Sun, Sol). The planet's mass and orbital distance are around the theoretical threshold values needed to accrete a substantial gas envelope of hydrogen and helium like Uranus (Muraki et al, 2011; and the Extrasolar Planet Encyclopaedia entry for MOA-2009-BLG-266L b).
Larger image of
A new super-Earth with around 10
Earth-masses (that may have a gaseous
atmospheric envelope of hydrogen and
helium like Uranus) has been detected
in a cold orbit around a dim, low-mass
star aroud 9,900 light-years away
On May 23, 2011, astronomers on the Kepler Mission announced confirmation of another planet in the Kepler-10 system, designated Kepler-10c. It's existence was "validated using a combination of a computer simulation technique called 'Blender' and NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope. Kepler-10c appears to be a super-Earth class planet with 2.2 times Earth's radius, and it orbits the star every 45 days (which is longer than Kepler-10b's eight-day orbit and so must have a longer orbital distance). Although also a super-Earth class planet, Kepler-10b has only 1.4 times Earth's radius and has been determined to be one of the smallest rocky planets detected thus far. Both Kepler-10b and 10c, however, are calculated to be "blistering hot worlds" (Kepler news release; Fressin et al, 2011; and Francois Freesin's PowerPoint presentation slides).
Unknown artist,
SSC, Caltech,
Larger and jumbo
A new super-Earth "c" has been detected
in the Kepler 10 system around 560
light-years away, which should be a
"blisteringly hot" world
Dana Berry, Kepler,
Larger and
The Kepler Mission has detected
a rocky super-Earth in a torch orbit
around an old star around 560 years
On January 10, 2011, astronomers working with NASA's Kepler space telescope announced the discovery of a rocky super-Earth of only 1.4 Earth-diameters across and around 4.6 Earth-masses, at the 217th Annual Meeting of the American Astronomical Society. Designated "Kepler-10b," the planetary candidate was already catalogued as Kepler Object of Interest or (KOI) 72.01. It orbits an aged, spectral type G star (KIC 11904151) of 0.895 Solar-mass and 1.06 Solar-diameter with around 1.00 Solar luminosity, which is estimated to be at least 7.4 billion years old. The Kepler-10 system lies around 560 light-years away in the northwestern corner of Constellation Cygnus.
Kepler Mission,
Kepler 10b appears to
be a rocky planet that
is probably denser
than Earth
With a torch orbit around its host star that takes only about 20 hours (84 percent of an Earth day) to complete, Kepler 10b has an average orbital distance of only 0.017 AU from its host star and so has a tidally locked, synchronous orbit. Hence, the planet has a perpetually daylight side with a fequilibrium surface temperature of around 2,840 degrees Fahrenheit (1,560 degrees Celsius), which is hotter than molten lava and sufficient to melt iron. Kepler 10b was detected using the transit method from more than eight months of data collected by the spacecraft between May 2009 and early January 2010 and confirmed by radial velocity measurements, and there evidence for another planet (KOI 72.02) in an outer orbit with a period around 45.3 days (Kepler news release; images, animations, and discovery page; and Batalha et al, 2011).
Kepler Mission,
Larger and
jumbo illustrations
(more charts
and videos).
Multiple planetary transits, including a confirmed
super-Earth (KOI 377.03 or Kepler-9d) with a
1.6-day period and 1.5 times Earth's diameter,
may have been detected for the first time by
On August 25, 2010, NASA announced that the Kepler spacecraft had detected the first multiple transits across a star other than the Sun, towards Constellation Lyra. The Kepler observations indicate that two planets of sub-Saturn size orbit the star designated "Kepler-9" (or KOI-377), where the planet "Kepler-9b" orbits closer to the star with an period of about 19.2 days, while aouter planet "Kepler-9c" has an orbit lasting about 38.9 days. In addition, there are indications of an innermost planetary candidate of super-Earth size (Kepler Object of Interest / KOI 377.03 or "Kepler-9d"), with only 1.64 +0.19/-0.14 times Earth's diameter and a scorching orbit that lasts only 1.6 days, which has been confirmed (Torres et al, 2011; NASA press release, with supporting charts and videos; CfA news release; NASA Science News; and Holman et al, 2010).
Tim Pyle,
Kepler Mission,
Larger and
The planetary candidate KOI 377.03 (or Kepler-9d),
a super-Earth orbits too close to its host star to be
potentially habitable
Other Possible Super-Earths Found by Kepler
(to be updated)
Kepler Mission,
Larger illustration.
The Kepler Mission has detected the
possible transits of several hundred
potential super-Earth- and Earth-sized
planets around distant stars
On June 15, 2010, astronomers working on NASA's Kepler Mission released data on all but 400 of some 156,000 target stars. Some 706 stars from this target list were found to have planetary candidates after the first 43 days of observations, but only the identity and some characteristics of 306 stars with at least one planetary candidate were released, including those of five possible multi-planet systems. The Kepler team is holding back data on some 400 of the target stars that are most likely to have Earth-sized -- with planetary candidates of 1.4 Earth-diameters (radii) or smaller within error margin -- and possibly Earth-like planets for further study, until re-scheduled release in February, 2011 (Kepler news release; Dennis Overbye, New York Times, June 15, 2010; Nancy Atkinson, Universe Today, June 15, 2010; Dan Vergano, USA Today, June 15, 2010; Borucki et al, 2010; and Steffen et al, 2010). Potential super-Earths -- all with estimated diameters (or radii) between 1.5 and 2.2 that of Earth's but with close-orbiting periods of less than 41 days -- that were found and released by the Kepler Mission as part of its 306 stars with planetary candidates are listed in the table below by designation number as a "Kepler Object of Interest" (KOI).
Distance from Sol (ly) | Primary | Planet Name | Mass (Earths) | Radius/ Diameter (Earths) | Orbital Distance (a=AUs) | Habitable Zone (HZ=AUs) | Orbital Period (P=days) | Orbital Period (P=years) | Orbital Eccen- tricity (e) | Low-Hi. Temp. (°F) | Low-Hi. Temp. (°C) |
? | ? | KOI 217.01 | ? | 2.0 | ? | ? | 5.6 | 0.015 | ? | hot | hot |
? | ? | KOI 237.01 | ? | 2.2 | ? | ? | 8.5 | 0.023 | ? | hot? | hot? |
? | ? | KOI 241.01 | ? | 2.1 | ? | ? | 13.8 | 0.038 | ? | ? | ? |
? | ? | KOI 422.01 | ? | 2.1 | ? | ? | 12.8 | 0.035 | ? | ? | ? |
? | ? | KOI 438.01 | ? | 2.1 | ? | ? | 5.9 | 0.016 | ? | hot | hot |
? | ? | KOI 457.01 | ? | 2.1 | ? | ? | 4.9 | 0.013 | ? | hot | hot |
? | ? | KOI 471.01 | ? | 1.9 | ? | ? | 21.3 | 0.058 | ? | ? | ? |
? | ? | KOI 484.01 | ? | 2.2 | ? | ? | 17.2 | 0.047 | ? | ? | ? |
? | ? | KOI 487.01 | ? | 1.9 | ? | ? | 7.7 | 0.021 | ? | hot | hot |
? | ? | KOI 488.01 | ? | 2.0 | ? | ? | 9.4 | 0.026 | ? | hot | hot |
? | ? | KOI 491.01 | ? | 1.7 | ? | ? | 4.7 | 0.013 | ? | hot | hot |
? | ? | KOI 499.01 | ? | 1.9 | ? | ? | 9.7 | 0.026 | ? | hot | hot |
? | ? | KOI 502.01 | ? | 2.0 | ? | ? | 5.9 | 0.016 | ? | hot | hot |
? | ? | KOI 504.01 | ? | 1.9 | ? | ? | 40.6 | 0.111 | ? | ? | ? |
? | ? | KOI 514.01 | ? | 1.9 | ? | ? | 11.8 | 0.032 | ? | hot? | hot? |
? | ? | KOI 522.01 | ? | 2.1 | ? | ? | 12.8 | 0.035 | ? | ? | ? |
? | ? | KOI 524.01 | ? | 2.2 | ? | ? | 4.6 | 0.013 | ? | ? | ? |
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