Fomalhaut |
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Warped circumstellar dust disk around Fomalhaut
may encircle a young planetary system
This bluish white star is bigger, brighter, and younger
than our Sun, Sol. (See a 2Mass
Fomalhaut from the NASA
Breaking News
On October 2, 2013, a team of astronomers submitted a preprint revealing that Fomaulhaut is actually a triple star system. In addition to distant stellar companion TW Piscis Austrini, an orange-red dwarf star (K4-5 Vpe), even more distant, chromospherically active red dwarf LP 876-10 (M4 V) appears to be another physical companion at a separation of 2.5 +/- 0.3 light-years (nearly 3.3 light-years from TW PsA), which shares the same motion through space within -1 kilometer per second. As a result, Fomalhaut may have two of the widest known stellar companions (Mamajek et al, 2013).
On January 8, 2013, at the 221st Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, astronomers announced that they had confirmed the existence of planet "b" around Fomalhaut with new observations from the Hubble Space Telescope and ground-based observatories between 2006 and 2012. They calculated that the planet is in a 2,000-year-long, highly elliptical orbit (swinging between 48 to 281 AUs from Fomalhaut), which may cross a vast debris belt around its host star within 20 years and produce spectacular collisions with cometary bodies if the planet's orbit lies in the same plane with the belt. Fomalhaut's circumstellar was also found to be wider than previously estimated at 150 to 210 AUs out from the star. The astronomers also found that an apparent gap in the debris belt which may have been created by by another undetected planet (NASA news release; and Hubble news release).
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color composite images.
New observations confirm the
existence of planet "b" and
its eccentric orbit
Several scenarios have been hypothesized for the development of planet b's eccentric orbit. One involves a collision with an undiscovered planet that gravitationally ejected Fomalhaut b from an orbit closer to the star and sent careening into an elongated orbit extending beyond the dust belt. Another involves a collision with a much smaller planet, which also created a narrow outer belt linked to an extreme planet. It is also possible the planet's optical brightness is created by the changing orientation of a reflective ring or shroud of dust around the planet, whose dust is rapidly produced by satellites orbiting the planet that suffer extreme erosion from impacts and gravitational stirring when Fomalhaut b enters into the inner system after a thousand years of deep freeze beyond the main belt.
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Fomalhaut b's highly eccentric
orbit may have been created by
gravitational slinging or collision
with another planet
On October 24, 2012, a team of astronomers released a pre-print support the existence of planet "b" around Fomalhaut. Based on a new analysis of Hubble observations from 2004 and 2006, the team identified the planet in three different wavelengths of visible light. No brightness variations were observed supporting the detection as a planet that is somewhat larger than Jupiter, which appears to be enveloped in dust (Currie et al, 2012; and Victoria Jaggard, New Scientist, October 25, 2012).
Luis Calçada (ESO for
Larger illustration.
Planet "b" orbits just inside
the sharp inner edge of a
massive circumstellar dust
disk around Fomalhaut
System Summary
Akira Fujii,
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The southern Constellation
Piscis Australis (or Austrinus)
is surrounded by constellations
Aquarius, Capricornus,
Microscopium, Grus, and
Also known as Alpha Piscis Austrini (or Australis), this bright star is located within 25.1 light-years (ly) away from our Sun, Sol. Fomalhaut lies at the western edge (22:57:39.05-29:37:20.05, ICRS 2000.0) of Constellation Piscis Austrinus (or Australis), the Southern Fish (chart and photo). Visible with the naked eye as the constellation's brightest star, Fomalhaut (pronounced like "foam a lot") is derived from "Fum al Hut" in Arabic, which means Fish's Mouth. While the nearby orange-red (K4-5) dwarf star TW Piscis -- reported in 1897 by Thomas Jefferson Jackson See (1866-1962) -- has been determined to be a distant physical companion (D. Barrado y Navascues, 1998), another K5 dwarf (LTT 8273) later observed in proper motion studies is believed to be an optical companion although it also may be a remaining member of a low-density star cluster including Fomalhaut, Vega, and Castor that has gradually dispersed over hundreds of millions of years. (See an animation of the planetary, dust disk, and potentially habitable zone orbits of this system, with a table of basic orbital and physical characteristics.)
Ann Feild, NASA,
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Fomalhaut is the brightest star
in Constellation Piscis Austrinus
(or Australis), the Southern Fish.
The Star
Davide De Martin,
DSS 2,
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Fomalhaut is larger, brighter, and
bluer than our Sun, Sol
Fomalhaut is a white main sequence dwarf star of spectral and luminosity type A3-4 Va (NASA Exoplanet Archive, based on Garrison and Beattie, 1998; and Janson et al, 2012). According to various estimates, the star has about 2.1 to 2.3 times Sol's mass (NASA Exoplanet Archive; Chiang et al, 2008; and Quillen et al, 2007), 1.7 to 1.82 times its diameter (NASA Exoplanet Archive; Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia; the Yale Bright Star Catalogue, 1991 5th Revised Edition notes entry for HR 8728 provides a diameter estimate of 0.00198 to 0.00210"), and about 14 to 17.6 times its luminosity. Although the Fomalhaut may be only about 200 million years old (D. Barrado y Navascues, 1998), it is so much bigger and hotter than Sol that it should exhaust its core hydrogen in about a billion years and turn into a red giant or Cepheid variable before puffing away its outer layers to reveal a remnant core as a white dwarf. The star is a New Suspected Variable designated NSV 14372. Useful star catalogue numbers for Fomalhaut include: Alp or Alf PsA, 24 PsA, HR 8728, Gl 881, Hip 113368, HD 216956, CD-30 19370, CP(D)-30 6685, SAO 191524, FK5 867, and LTT 9292.
In 1983, an orbiting satellite called IRAS discovered far more infrared
radiation -- which has waves longer than red light -- coming from the
Fomalhaut than expected for small interstellar dust grains found around
young, early-type stars. The radiation is coming from a huge disk of
matter of around 370 AUs in diameter (nearly five times the dimension
of the Solar System) that surrounds the star, much like those that
encompass Vega,
Beta Pictoris, and Denebola
(S. A.
Stern, 1993) but is inclined 20 degrees from an edge-on view.
The disk is thought to be made of icy dust particles that have
been warmed by the star which, according to
et al (1999), tends to develop after most of the surrounding
nebula of gas has been absorbed or expelled from the developing star.
Common-User Bolometer Array, James Clerk
Maxwell Telescope, JAC
(Cold dust disk around Fomalhaut)
In 1998, British and American astronomers at the Joint Astronomy Center (JAC press release) in Hawaii, the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA), and the Royal Observatory of Edinburgh obtained the first pictures of huge disk-like structures of dust around Fomalhaut (Holland et al, 1998, in postscript). The "sub-millimeter" image, above, shows emissions from tiny dust particles (that are only a fraction of a millimeter in size) in orbit around Fomalhaut. Yellow to red areas of the image indicate the highest concentrations of cold dust, while blue to black areas suggest very little dust. In JAC's image the brightest emission area, which should have the most dust, is located far from the star, which appears to be surrounded by a huge disk of dust with a hollow central cavity. Looking like a doughnut sliced in half and tilted upright, the dust disk has a hole in the center comparable to the size of Sol's planetary system (including its Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt).
K. Stapelfeldt, SIRTF/Spitzer,
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jumbo infrared images.
New infrared images show that
the southern lobe is one-third
brighter and that warmer dust
within the apparent "doughnut
hole" extends to within 10 AUs
of the star
The dust is densest at a distance from Fomalhaut around the Kuiper Belt's location in the Solar System. Indeed, the structures resemble a younger version of the Kuiper Belt of icy objects (dormant comets and larger planetary bodies) that surround the Solar System beyond the orbit of Neptune. Although the pictures taken do not show the icy bodies directly, the dust that is shown is believed to be debris that is forming, or being fragmented from, these bodies. The dust may have disappeared from Fomalhaut's inner region because it has coalesced into planets. If an astronomer could have seen what our Solar System looked like four billion years ago, then it would have looked very much as Fomalhaut looks today.
A Planetary System?
Ann Feild, NASA,
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A comparison of Fomalhaut's
dust disk and planetary orbits
with the Solar System's
planetary orbits and Main
Asteroid and Edgeworth-Kuiper
belts highlights the Fomalhaut
System's greater size and mass.
After the initial discovery of the dust disk, new data at short-submillimetre wavelengths of Fomalhaut suggested the presence of a "warp" in the observed, "half-donut" slice image of the dust disk (shown at the top of the page, see: the Royal Observatory Edinburgh 2002 press release; and a 2001 discussion). At a telescope beam-size resolution of about 50 AU at the distance of Fomalhaut, the image of the dust disk is confirmed to be an almost edge-on dust disk (ring or torus), with an inner cavitying lack similar dust from about 100 AUs orbital distance to the star itself. Numerical simulations suggest that the dust is concentrated in mean-motion resonances with a planet, a Saturn-sized object with about 30 percent of Jupiter's mass that is hidden in a gap in the torus just with the inner edge of the dust disk (Ozernoy et al, 2000). While other possibilities have not been ruled out, simulation results are in good agreement with the observation that concentrations of dust that have been collected into librating orbits about the L4 and L5 Lagrangian points, and the presence of small and large gaps and short and long arcs. Like the case of Epsilon Eridani, the observation of severe perturbations in the dust disk appears to be the result of multiple planetary companions at 60 to 100 AUs from Fomalhaut, larger than the orbital distances observed in the Solar System (more discussion).
David Hardy,
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A Saturn-sized planet may be creating
a wake or trail of dust, creating severe
perturbations in the dust disk around
Fomalhaut (more discussion from the
Observatory of Edinburgh and
Picture of the Day).
In 2005, astronomers released a Hubble Space Telescope image indicating that Fomalhaut's dust disk looks more like a narrow circumstellar ring in visible light (Kalas et al, 2005, in pdf). The new image directly confirms that the center of the dust ring is located about 15 AUs from the star, as was already inferred from previous and longer wavelength observations using submillimeter telescopes. Hubble's new observations provide strong evidence that at least one unseen planetary mass object is orbiting Fomalhaut at a distance around 50 to 70 AUs, as Hubble failed to detect a larger substellar object, such as a brown dwarf. Fomalhaut's ring is similar to the dust disk generated by the Solar System's Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt where icy objects collide to generate a much less dense dust disk, but it is about four times larger than the Solar System's. The new observations indicate that Fomalhaut's ring is around 280 AUs in diameter with a narrow width of around 25 AUs, a relatively sharp inner edge centered around 133 AUs from the star, and an outer edge extending out to around 158 AUs (more illustrations at and links at APOD).
Paul Kalas,
James Graham,
Mark Clampin, NASA,
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Subsequent imaging in visible light
supports the hypothesis that a large
planetary object is tugging on the
dust around Fomalhaut
On May 7, 2007, astronomers modelling the vertical thickness and dust production in Fomalhaut's disk based on Hubble observations submitted a paper arguing that its disk likely contains planetary embryos as large as Pluto that are undergoing runaway growth into larger bodies (Quillen et al, 2007). Their model predicts how large the planetary bodies in a dust or debris disk must be to puff it up to a certain thickness. Although a developing star system's dust disk should thin as the system ages, more dust grains may be "knocked" into eccentric orbits that "puff out" the disk if dust agglomeration has proceeded enough for planetesimals to form increasingly large embryonic planets. In the case of Fomalhaut, the model indicates that a Pluto-sized object may have already formed at an orbital distance of around 133 AUs from the bluish white dwarf star.
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A Pluto-sized planetary
embryo may have already
formed at an orbital
distance of around 133
AUs from Fomalhaut (which
may look like Neptune's
icy moon,
On June 22, 2007, one of the astronomers (Alice C. Quillen) studying the dust disk announced that its off-center position around Fomalhaut and sharp inside edge is probably due to the presence of a Neptune-sized planet in orbit just inside the disk (University of Rochester press release). Fomalhaut's dusk disk is offset by 15 AUs, which suggests that a hidden planet with a similarly skewed orbit is present. This is considered to be unusual in such a young system, since when stars form from their could gas and dust, the angular momentum of the cloud carries over to the planetary objects formed from the cloud. While newly formed objects may initially have circular orbits, subsequent collisions can send them into eccentric orbits, if not into their host star or out of their star system altogether.
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A Neptune-like
gas giant
may orbit Fomalhaut just
inside its dust disk
On November 13, 2008, a team of astronomers (including: Paul Kalas, James R. Graham, Eugene Chiang, Edwin S. Kite, Mark Clampin, Michael P. Fitzgerald, Karl Stapelfeldt, Christian Marois, and John Krist) using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope announced that they had obtained the first visible-light image of a giant planet orbiting another star, Fomalhaut "b" (see NASA's news release). Their images (which may actually come from light reflected from dust surrounding the planet) show the planet as a small point of light in orbital motion around Fomalhaut, just within the sharp inner edge of an immense circumstellar dust disk. Currently located around 119 AUs from Fomalhaut, the planet moves around Fomalhaut at an average distance of around 115 AUs in an elliptical orbit (e ~0.11) that takes around 872 years to complete (Kalas et al, 2008).
Zolt Levay,
Larger annotated image.
A giant planet in orbit around
Fomalhaut has been directly
imaged using the Hubble
Space Telescope
Numerical modelling indicate the Fomalhaut b must have less than three Jupiter-masses to be consistent with the size (brightness and estimated mass) and orbital characteristics of the debris disk observed. If more planets are present than can be observed at present, however, then the planet's mass will be significantly less than three Jupiter-masses. In addition, the three-year Hipparcos satellite mission observed that the star had an anomalous proper acceleration of 6.6 milli-arcsec / year2 which may be caused by a brown dwarf with as much as 30 Jupiter-masses, much larger than planet b (Chiang et al, 2008). (More discussion, images, and an orbital animation of planet b and Fomalhaut's dust disk are available from NASA's news release; Astronomy Photo of the Day; Fomalhaut b; Kalas et al, 2008; and Chiang et al, 2008).
Luis Calçada (ESO for
Larger illustration.
Planet "b" orbits just inside
the sharp inner edge of a
massive circumstellar dust
disk around Fomalhaut
Between observations with the Hubble Space Telescope in 2004 and 2006, the planet dimmed by half a stellar magnitude. This dimming may have been caused by the actions of a hot outer atmosphere heated by bubbling convection cells on the young planet. Or, the discovery astronomers speculate that the dimming could also have resulted from hot gas at the inner boundary of a ring around the planet. (More discussion, images, and an orbital animation of planet b and Fomalhaut's dust disk are available from NASA's news release; Astronomy Photo of the Day; Fomalhaut b; Kalas et al, 2008; and Chiang et al, 2008).
On September 12, 2011, astronomers (who directly imaged planetary candidate "b" in 2008) announced at the Extreme Solar Systems II conference that uncertainties over confirmation over this possible planetary object remain. Over the three years since its 2008 discovery, no telescope other than the Hubble Space Telescope has been able to confirm the planet's detection, and the Hubble instrument used to take the first images broke down in 2007. In 2010, the team of astronomers used an older Hubble camera to image another "bright speck" at a location not consistent with the lack of disruption of Fomalhaut's dust disk. Hence, the new image may be depicting another planet, a transient dust cloud within the circumstellar disk, a background star, or a brown dwarf. In 2012, the astronomers are scheduled to observe Fomalhaut again with Hubble to see if the object in the second detection can be better defined (Lisa Grossman, New Scientist, September 21, 2011).
On January 20, 2012, astronomers submitted a preprint on new infrared observations using NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope of planetary candidate Fomalhaut "b" in a gap with the host star's circumstellar dust disk. Dropping in brightness by a factor of two between 2004 and 2006, the object's emissions of near-infrared radiation were not observed to be brightest in the range of those from a young Jupiter-class planet. While Spitzer should not have been able to detect any less than a Jupiter-sized planet, however, it could have picked up a smaller planet with one-third of Jupiter's size but is Saturn-like with rings that reflect the star's light. At least one astronomers believes that more likely possibilities include a transient dust cloud from the collision of asteroids and a rocky super-Earth with as much as 10 Earth-masses that is being pummelled by impactors to produce a hot, molten surface that makes it bright at visible wavelengths but fades as its surface cools, which is consistent with observations (Lisa Grossman, New Scientist, February 2, 2012; and Janson et al, 2012).
On April 11, 2012 scientists working with the European Space Agency's Hershel Space Observatory announced that the dust disk around Fomalhaut appears to be generated by the collisions of as many as thousands of icy comets every day (ESA news release).
Bram Acke,
KU Leuven,
Larger and
jumbo far-infrared images.
Fomalhaut dust disk is being replenished
by as many as thousands of cometary
collisions daily
On April 12, 2012, astronomers taking test images with the new Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) announced that the sharp inner and outer edges of the Fomalhaut's dust disk is constrained by two planets. Although the inner planet was initially hypothesized to be larger than Saturn, new ALMA-based calculations and computer simulations also indicate that the two planets must be relatively small, larger than Mars but no more than a few times Earth's mass, so as to avoid destroying the ring-like dust disk with their gravity. The new ALMA observations were made at wavelengths longer than those of the Hubble Space Telescope in visible light of relatively large dust grains (about 1 millimeter in diameter) that are not moved by the star's radiation, which more clearly revealed the dust disk's sharp edges and ring-like structure and constrained the gravitational effect of its two shepherding planets. New calculations also indicate that the ring's width is about 16 AUs (the distance from the Earth to the Sun) and only one-seventh as thick as its width (ALMA news release; ESO news release; and Boley et al, 2012).
Bill Saxton,
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Fomalhaut ring of relatively large particles is being
shepherded in place by two relatively small planets
of Mars to a few times
Earth's mass
On April 27, 2012, two astronomers reported on the results of computer simulations which suggest that the formation of planets are not needed to explain sharply defined or elongated debris disks around young stars. Their simulations indicate that feedback interactions between dust and gas alone can create such rings by concentrating dust in regions of high-pressure gas. As a star heats the circumstellar dust, their model shows the heated dust in turn causes the gas to heat up and expand, which then creates higher pressure which then concentrates more dust. Hence, it's possible that the sharply defined ring around Fomalhaut is caused by such a hypothetical feed-back mechanism between starlight-heated dust and gas (Maggie McKee, New Scientist, May 14, 2012; and Lyra and Kuchner, 2012).
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Fomalhaut has a dust ring that
is constrained by the orbital
motion of two planets
On October 24, 2012, a team of astronomers released a pre-print support the existence of planet "b" around Fomalhaut. Based on a new analysis of Hubble observations from 2004 and 2006, the team identified the planet in three different wavelengths of visible light. No brightness variations were observed supporting the detection as a planet that is somewhat larger than Jupiter, which appears to be enveloped in dust (Currie et al, 2012; and Victoria Jaggard, New Scientist, October 25, 2012).
Luis Calçada (ESO for
Larger illustration.
Planet "b" orbits just inside
the sharp inner edge of a
massive circumstellar dust
disk around Fomalhaut
Planet "b" - On January 8, 2013, at the 221st Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, astronomers announced that they had confirmed the existence of planet "b" around Fomalhaut with new observations from the Hubble Space Telescope and ground-based observatories between 2006 and 2012. They calculated that the planet is in a 2,000-year-long, highly elliptical orbit (swinging between 48 to 281 AUs from Fomalhaut), which may cross a vast debris belt around its host star within 20 years and produce spectacular collisions with cometary bodies if the planet's orbit lies in the same plane with the belt. Fomalhaut's circumstellar was also found to be wider than previously estimated at 150 to 210 AUs out from the star. The astronomers also found that an apparent gap in the debris belt which may have been created by by another undetected planet (NASA Hubble news release; and Hubble news release).
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jumbo false-
color composite images.
New observations confirm the
existence of planet "b" and
its eccentric orbit
Several scenarios have been hypothesized for the development of planet b's eccentric orbit. One involves a collision with an undiscovered planet that gravitationally ejected Fomalhaut b from an orbit closer to the star and sent careening into an elongated orbit extending beyond the dust belt. Another involves a collision with a much smaller planet, which also created a narrow outer belt linked to an extreme planet. It is also possible the planet's optical brightness is created by the changing orientation of a reflective ring or shroud of dust around the planet, whose dust is rapidly produced by satellites orbiting the planet that suffer extreme erosion from impacts and gravitational stirring when Fomalhaut b enters into the inner system after a thousand years of deep freeze beyond the main belt.
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Fomalhaut b's highly eccentric
orbit may have been created by
gravitational slinging or collision
with another planet
Habitable Zone
The distance from Fomalhaut where an Earth-type planet would be "comfortable" with liquid water is centered around 4.1 AU -- between the Main Asteroid Belt and Jupiter in the Solar System. At that distance from the star, such a planet would have an orbital period of about 5.5 Earth years. If there is life on any Earth-type planet orbiting youthful Fomalhaut, it is likely to be primitive single-cell, anaerobic (non-oxygen producing) bacteria under constant bombardment by meteorites and comets as Earth was for the first billion years. Since there is unlikely to be free oxygen in the atmosphere of such a planet, it probably would not have an ozone layer (O3) although Fomalhaut puts out a lot more hard radiation than Sol. (See an animation of the planetary, dust disk, and potentially habitable zone orbits of this system, with a table of basic orbital and physical characteristics.)
Closest Neighbors
The following star systems are located within 10 light-years of Fomalhaut.
Star System | Spectra & Luminosity | Distance (light-years) |
TW Piscis Austrini | K4-5 Vpe | 0.9 |
CD-23 17699 | K5-M0 V | 3.5 |
FK Aquarii 3 | M0-2 Ve ? M4 Ve | 5.6 |
L 788-34 | M4.5 V | 6.8 |
L 362-81 | DA5 /VII | 7.9 |
LHS 1070 | M5.5 V | 8.3 |
LP 823-4 | M V | 9.3 |
Other Information
Up-to-date technical summaries on this star and its planet can be found at Jean Schneider's Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia. In addition, try Professor Jim Kaler's Stars site for other information about Fomalhaut at the University of Illinois' Department of Astronomy. John Whatmough has developed illustrated web pages on this system in Extrasolar Visions.
Up-to-date technical summaries on these stars can be found at: the Astronomiches Rechen-Institut at Heidelberg's ARICNS, the NASA Exoplanet Archive, and the Research Consortium on Nearby Stars (RECONS). Additional information may be available at Roger Wilcox's Internet Stellar Database.
Also known as Piscis Australis, Piscis Austrinus is supposed to represent a fish lying on its back, drinking in the waters pouring from the jars of Aquarius. Known since ancient times, the constellation may have been the original Constellation Pisces, referring to the Assyrian Fish God Dagon and the Babylonian God Oannes. In Arabic, it is the Constellation Al Hut al Janubiyy, the Large Southern Fish. For more information about the stars and objects in this constellation, go to Christine Kronberg's Pisces Austrinus. For an illustration, see David Haworth's Pisces Australis (or Austrinus).
For more information about stars including spectral and luminosity class codes, go to ChView's webpage on The Stars of the Milky Way.
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